Ladies recomemdations

  • 22 replies
  • 43 subscribers

I met with my Colorectal Nurse this week. Tummy marked for ideal location of stoma and lots of information given! Can any ladies give any recommendations regarding the 6 items/clothing/support belts etc that can be ordered each year on prescription that are the most useful.

  • I'm allowed six pairs of support knickers (free) a year. Plus six support bags. I was also given a bag which holds all my Stoma supplies. Like a travel bag. X.

    "don't think about tomorrow"

  • Ive never bothered.dont want to cost the nhs even more.just wear sloggi full knickers.comfy and keep my iliostomy bag nice and flat.


  • Hi 

    I bought support belts for occasions when I was out. I just felt that it gave extra insurance though I wasn’t comfortable in them for every day wear 

    What can you have on script?


  • Pants vest tops belts etc from a company called Comfizz.

  • Well I found that those smooth silky Cami vests really comfy also giving me a smoother silhouette. I have full briefs I didn’t wear support but many do I bought two of the comfizz belts in natural and the smaller ones though like I said I found them tight 

    Looking at their website they have cami vests and pants with a support belt. 

    Happy shopping 


  • I agree .I like a smoorh cami vest too.makes you feel more secure.


  • I like the Marks and Sparks cool touch. They feel lovely on Definitely worth the investment


  •   There is also a site called Vanilla Blush but as others have said I used to just wear a little strappy top from m and s and then big knickers! x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • I use Vanilla Blush I get 6 pairs of knickers twice a year on perscription the knickers are so comfy and keep my bag from urostomy can get support vests and hernia belt's also. I also like that they do swimsuits and more sexy knickers that make me feel good for purchase the sale is great can usually get some nice knickers for £8.00 they do men’s too, the staff are lovely really helpful and you can always find discount codes. I have been using this company since 2012

  • My urostomy is recessed making it more likely to leak even with convex wafers so a support belt was recommended. I also developed a hernia under my colostomy necessitating a support belt. 

    There's no way to know at this point what you might need, so I recommend you hold back on a couple items to be sure you won't need something specific.  

    Though I have to say, I'm envious of the things you get on prescription (I'm US based).  I'm also a bit envious of those of you with ostomies low enough to use support underware. My ostomies are both well above my belly button... sigh.