Ladies recomemdations

  • 22 replies
  • 43 subscribers

I met with my Colorectal Nurse this week. Tummy marked for ideal location of stoma and lots of information given! Can any ladies give any recommendations regarding the 6 items/clothing/support belts etc that can be ordered each year on prescription that are the most useful.

  • I’m a bit confused about the support pants. My stoma nurse said I needed to wear them all the time as I’ve had 3 vertical incisions in my tummy for different operations plus now have the stoma, but I’ve read elsewhere that you only need support pants if you are doing some form of exercise that could give you a hernia.

  • Hi  

    It’s a matter of personal choice really, and there are some recommendations in the thread. I’ve got 2 stomas and never worn support underwear. I’ve also never in 5 years developed a hernia under either stoma. I’ve had 2 large abdominal incisions and also have had laparoscopic surgery with small incisions, but find normal underwear fine for me, and comfortable. Other ladies choose to order and wear the support underwear, but I was never told it was necessary, so I chose not to bother.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Can I add something on stoma pants? I prefer to have these as I find them more supportive than ordinary pants plus a bag of urine next to my skin can be very hot.

    M&S now do these - have to order - either online or in store.

    I like them a lot more than others I have used  because they are very supportive, have a wide waistband so not too tight in one place,  hold my urostomy bag firmly (though I also use an inch wide elasticated belt that fasten into my stoma bags because of a flabby stomach and an innie stoma).

    The pocket looks big enough for 2 bags for those that need them. A pack of 3 costs less than £20. And, as well as black they come in pink, flesh and cerise and you can get bras to match from the M&S range. 

    I have never tried to get pants on prescription but most I bought before cost much more than the above.

    Best regards,


  • I’ve got some of those, I only have a stoma. They are really comfy with the wide band at the top. My only reason for not having more is because I was told by the stoma nurse aren’t medical grade support but if you aren’t needing that I’d recommend them. 

  • Hi  

    Just as a matter of interest-the pocket you describe as looking like it’s big enough for 2 bags intrigues me! It would need to be very wide for one pocket to hold both my stoma bags as each is on a different side of my belly button and no pocket would hold both bags unless it were the whole length of the knickers! I’ll go and have a look at M&S now to check them to see if I can envisage how it might work.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Ah-It is full a full width pocket I see! 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • My others aren't medical support grade either I don't think. I got them from a supplier already mentioned on this thread that my stoma nurses told us about when we had a group pre-op session.

    These do the job well and I use pilates to strengthen my core. 

  • Have you tried the m and s stoma knickers really good 

  • I agree I have 2 stomas and wear the m and s stoma knickers. Very supportive 

  • Yes they are sold as capable of containing 2 bags if needed. I have just the urostomy so the left side is empty. Vice versa for colostomy and presumably an ileostomy takes up only the middle.

    The pocket is a full width internal double section of the front of the pants from left seam to right, down to the gusset (some pants have a full double gusset section though the M &S ones stop at the front seam of the gusset but that's deep enough). And the inner section reaches bikini height to protect your skin and allow access to empty the urostomy bag. So it is a pocket but specially shaped to contain bags.

    Best wishes,
