Reversal how long should I wait?

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As most know here I had a LAR August last year and before the op I was told two to three months however with the Covid situation it would be six 

I had the blue dye test January that showed I would need an EAU to check that all was clear for a reversal. I was also told at my follow up that they thought that whilst under a GA if all was clear they would reverse me. 
I thought that makes perfect sense as why have two lots of GA but it would mean I wouldn’t know before going in if I was able to be reversed. So I was told I would need a pre op

That was January 

Previously my surgeon had said that reversals are best at two months and a maximum of six. Twelve months was not so successful

So here I am a couple of weeks away from the year and all my diary dates that were planned have been deleted. There’s not going to be a colonoscopy August because I haven’t been reversed. I’m waiting for a CT scan appointment and my CEA levels are due August 

I am in a state of limbo really 

How long did others wait before having a reversal and if over twelve months was it really difficult to gain bowel control? 
Im seriously thinking of not bothering and booking a holiday!

  • Good luck with everything in August, Ann.  I hope that it all works out well for you and you get a happy outcome.

    Take care.

  • All the best for august Ann .I will be thinking of you and hoping it all goes well.


  • Thanks Katz and BlueBlue   It will be really good to know if my scans and bloods are clear and if I am able to be reversed 

    I’m booking to see my brother in Spain October hopefully if I keep Whoopi. We will see 

    Thanks again for your well wishes 


  • Update

    I phoned my team they’re working on an eighteen month waiting list. 
    To say I’m disappointed is an understatement! 
    But Bristol is obviously struggling under the weight of they’re work load. 


  • Hello Ann,

    After all your mental preparation to be told this - when they must have been well aware of it all along - must be hard to take.  I won't offer silly words of encouragement - you owe yoursell a right old rant, in my view.  Whatever happened to 'managing expectations'?  How about 'being given all the facts to make an informed decision'?  Disgraceful!  I think you let them off lightly with your last sentence.  Nuff said perhaps.

  • So sorry to hear this Ann.  They might have told you that when you were in earlier in the week!  You'll be gutted, especially since it looked as though you'd geared yourself up to going ahead with the op.  Maybe it won't be as long as 18 months though - I was told in January (from my local hospital) that it would be 2 years but, in July, they phoned to say that they'd been farming patients out to other hospitals and the backlog was now clear if I wanted a slot.  I had already made up my mind not to go ahead by that stage though so that would likely be good news for the next person on the list.  

    Perhaps you should just get that holiday booked (and maybe the next one too).  Something nice to look forward to.

    Take care x

  • Oh Ann, I'm so disappointed for you! It's taken you a long time to decide to have the reversal and now to find this out, you must be devastated!

    I'm so sorry it's come to this,

    Take care,

    Moira x

  • Oh Ann I am so disappointed for the 18 mths including the time you have already waited?.I just dont know what to say except I am thinking of you.


  • Thank you all. You lovely people. 

    After writing this update I sat and started to well up hubby had just gone off to PD warriors my bro was expecting me to book flights.

    I don’t know if I can have the op in February or March next year I don’t know what’s around the corner 

    So I’ve contacted the Spire to get a cost for private  and my team to see if they can help ! 

     As the nurse went to see my lovely consultant he bought my name up saying that I was clear to be squeezed in as I’ve had a pre op I'm good to go. 
    So I’m waiting to see what transpires. 
    I expect it’ll be getting a bed will be the problem 

    Thanks again everyone. 


  • I'm so happy for you, it sounds like you're going to  get the op this year sometime! I think your consultant is lovely and you can tell him I said so! 

    Take care Ann,

    .ours x