Reversal how long should I wait?

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As most know here I had a LAR August last year and before the op I was told two to three months however with the Covid situation it would be six 

I had the blue dye test January that showed I would need an EAU to check that all was clear for a reversal. I was also told at my follow up that they thought that whilst under a GA if all was clear they would reverse me. 
I thought that makes perfect sense as why have two lots of GA but it would mean I wouldn’t know before going in if I was able to be reversed. So I was told I would need a pre op

That was January 

Previously my surgeon had said that reversals are best at two months and a maximum of six. Twelve months was not so successful

So here I am a couple of weeks away from the year and all my diary dates that were planned have been deleted. There’s not going to be a colonoscopy August because I haven’t been reversed. I’m waiting for a CT scan appointment and my CEA levels are due August 

I am in a state of limbo really 

How long did others wait before having a reversal and if over twelve months was it really difficult to gain bowel control? 
Im seriously thinking of not bothering and booking a holiday!

  • Hi Artsie Ann, 

    Sorry to hear of your problems, I was going to ask if there was a chance of being fitted in. When I had my reversal 2 years ago I had been trying to keep asking, without pestering, the consultant when he suddenly phoned me and gave me about 5 days notice as he had a slot available.

    If you had to go down the private route does your consultant operate at the Spire?  You mentioned you had complications, would you want someone who hadn't been involved so far to take it on now?

    I hope you get the result you want, all the best


  • Hi John

    I think my consultant is stuck with the ridiculous long list he has with no beds. I’ve opened the door for private but I won’t have anything done unless my team agree. My chap doesn’t work privately he’s teaching his skills to others. He’s amazing but looked so stressed when I saw him Monday. I want to do the best to give me the chance of managing the reversal. I am not sure I  will manage eighteen months after my op. So it’s a wait and see. I haven’t booked my flights to Spain. My nurse said to wait he’s going to do his best to squeeze me in. The NHS are amazing and I feel so blessed to have such support. They have their hands tied. 
    just keeping my fingers crossed 


  • Got my date for reversal ! 
    2nd September. Whoopee x


  • That's  FANTASTIC news! So happy for you Ann,

    Take care,

    Moira x

  • Thanks Moira

    How are you? 


  • Fantastic.ThumbsupThumbsup

    all the best.will be thinking of you.

    Love Kath

  • Hi Ann,

    I'm ok, just living each day as it comes! But you must be thrilled! Will you be in long? 

    Take care,

    Moira x

  • Woohooo! Fantastic news! Cartwheel♀️Grin

    Love Kim xx

  • Yes I’m chuffed. Hopefully I will be up and out asap. Not sure about Whoopi though she’s VERY vocal. Think she knows she’s going into lock down. 
    Hope you get some results soon and enjoy London. X


  • You'll just have to explain to Whoopi, that she may not be visible but she'll always be there! I, for one, will never forget the night we all named our stomas, that was all down to Whoopi!

    I'm sure they won't keep you in hospital to long, just take the time for yourself! 

    We don't go to London until the 15th September, my scan is on 9th, with my luck I'll get results just before I go or on the train on the way! No matter, I'm going to London and I'm going to paint the town pink!

    Take care Ann and keep us updated please,

    Moira x