Holiday Tips, Planes, Boats and Trains

  • 26 replies
  • 36 subscribers

I’ve been searching for tips on travelling and have gained lots of advice in different posts.

I have found one here four years ago but it’s pre-Covid  

So I thought it’d be really great to make it an easy reference point for us all and for future travellers.

I used to ferry to Ireland twice a year. It’s a ten hour door to door for me to see my son in Tipperary. Also I travelled to Spain to see my brother twice a year its a shorter time but scary fly situation. I’ve read that bags can explode!!

Please can you add your experiences ,advice and tips. 

With many thanks 

  • Hi Ann

    I flew to Tenerife in Oct/Nov. A 5 hour flight for me and I can confirm that the bag didn't explode!!!  I was very nervous about the whole thing to be honest (mostly as I hate plane toilets).  Out bound was fine - no mishaps.  Coming back, I felt that the bag was expanding slightly so needed to check.  All OK though, it had filled very slightly with air but nothing worrying (and certainly not as bad as I was sat imagining!).  

    I carried a full kit (get adhesive remover wipes rather than the spray) in my hand luggage and discretely took it to the loo with me, just in case.  Mind you, not sure if I'd have managed to change a pouch in such a wee space.  We pre-booked aisle seats near the toilets at the back of the plane just to make things a bit easier too.

    My stoma nurse also provided me with a wee certificate, in various languages, in case I got stopped going through airport security and x-rayed or patted down.  It explains that you have a stoma which will show up in checks.  They can't ask you to remove the pouch and they can't confiscate your supplies.  I was stopped on the way back (must have a guilty looking face) but they just used the hand held scanner and waved me through.

    Depending on how hot it is when you're in Spain, you might need extra adhesive or flange extenders as the pouch might not stick as well if you sweat.

    The Macmillan co-ordinator at the hospital also sent me a good wee booklet that had travel tips.

    Hope this helps x

  • Hi . You’ve had a great reply from BlueBlue but just thought I’d add this link as it might be helpful for others reading this and travelling to other countries. You could just print of the language that you need?

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • BlueBlue 

    This is brilliant thank you so much. I have a travel Certificate that I’ve filled in and there’s a part for the nurses to complete its in different languages. 
    I will get the removing  wipes that’s a great tip because my aerosol may not be safe on a plane. 
    I won’t be hot as our normal months are  Spain April & October and  Ireland June & December and Irelands

     We like to have English summers.

    Thanks again this is a great help 


  • Thanks Karen

    I have one of those certificates Charter sent me it with a neat travel kit and Toilet Key and card. 

    I put it away as at the time I thought I’d be having a reversal now I know that’s months away I thought I’d be brave and travel to see my family. 
    I’ve  booked St Ives next month. Even staying in a different bed is worrying but my philosophy is prepare for all eventualities and go for it. 
    I expect I’ll book Spain up and the hospital call me in! 


  • Prior to flying I don't drink anything fizzy - the less gas the better especially when you're in the air. Sometimes I've pierced a tiny hole with a needle into the little square filtër high up on colonostomy bags which released gas but nothing else.

    "don't think about tomorrow"

  • I always take bed liner pads with me when I go away. This gives me confidence, allows me to relax and helps me sleep in a strange bed.

    "don't think about tomorrow"

  • Hi Ann

    The bags don’t explode-I checked with a friend in advance! The company I flew with the first time allowed a free extra bag for medical supplies and I did this as I was terrified of my luggage going missing and wanted to be able to take them on the plane. Bear in mind I have 2 stomas so a double lot. But it was a hassle having extra luggage to carry so I didn’t do that again. Based on my experiences I did the following:

    Soap bag in my hand luggage with enough supplies for several changes.(Same in partner’s hand luggage)

    Change of clothes in hand luggage.(Same in partner’s hand luggage)

    Split all of my other supplies between our hold luggage in case one went missing (I have a fear of this happening, can you tell?!)

    Double or triple up on the amount of supplies you think you might need. Make sure you have ordered extra in advance if need be, depending on when you usually get supplies delivered. I used more than usual in the heat, and because I was in the pool. 

    Wear loose comfortable clothing to fly in case you need to change a bag in the plane loo. It can be done!

    Change the bags before getting on the plane.

    i took puppy pads in my case to give extra confidence in the hotel bed.

    I tried not eating much the day before I had my first flight. But this didn’t work! My colostomy filled and burst off my body at 5am as we were driving into the airport car park! It was horrendous and very stressful and my first change of clothes was needed as soon as I got into the terminal. Keep some supplies in the car, easily accessible. I now take a roll of kitchen roll in the car! My bag filled again and almost burst off on the bus to the hotel-more stress, as our room was not ready, but we explained that we had a medical emergency and staff kindly let us use a room which was ready so I could use the bathroom and change.

    I have not taken the travel certificate, but as I go through the airport in a wheelchair, I haven’t had to explain myself at security. Staff ask permission to pat you down, and I can walk through the scanner. On one flight they took me into a separate room to pat me down, away from prying eyes and I have never been asked to show my bags. All staff have always been respectful and discreet. 

    I have my first long haul trip in a few months, which I confess I am a little nervous about. 2 flights, 7 hours and 4 hours, and a speedboat transfer  to the resort. All this after a 2.5 hour journey to the airport-we have decided to take a taxi rather than go by train! 

    I am so glad that despite some minor issues, I am able to travel again and each time gets easier. x

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Kath.
    That’s great idea pierce a hole.

    I may experiment with that. I took small liners with me to Tortworth  it did give me confidence. 


  • Hi Sarah Thanks for the brilliant trip advice. I definitely feel the same about my luggage as I have experienced my case disappearing in Turkey. As it turned out all was okay it was a case of same cases two women very very different sizes. 
    I’m glad bags don’t explode that’s a very scary thought. 
    You’re an inspiration to us all travelling with two stoma’s. 
    Where are you going in a few months. It sounds very James Bond. Two planes and speed boat. How exciting 


  • Hi Ann

    Dream trip to the Maldives-villa with pool on the beach. Booked for last year but covid led to it being cancelled. We’ve had I think 10 holidays now cancelled due to covid and cancer but we keep trying! 

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm