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I've been told that I have pretty bad constipation, I've been telling them that for ages! I get lumps of what they say are poo, around my stoma, appearing and disappearing, it's painful! Opposite to this, I get bouts of diarrhoea then back come the lumps but stoma remains inactive for days! I've had my colostomy for 4 years and this just started about a year ago! The only advice I've had is to keep taking Fibogel plus stool softener! It's driving me mad so please, any advice would be wonderful!

Moira x

  • Hi Moira

    Sorry to see this is still ongoing for you. I’ve not ever suffered from constipation since my colostomy so no useful advice for you, I’m afraid.

    The fact that it’s painful must be horrible for you- I’m presuming you’ve not changed your diet at all? Have you not been given any advice at all except to keep on with the Fibogel and softener? Seems a bit of a cop out to have to do this long term.  Hope someone else might be able to identify and give you some advice. 

    Sarah xx

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  • Hi Sarah,

    It's getting me down, I must admit! That's all I was told at the hospital, no advice really! I was sick too yesterday and, of course, panicked incase I had a blockage! That's gone today but stoma is still inactive and lumps are still coming and going, in spite of having both laxatives and stool softeners! I don't want to eat anything that will cause diarrhoea again but I'm stumped! Diet hasn't changed at all either! Just hoping someone comes on with a wonderful idea!

    Moira x

  • Hi Moira,Plain hot water or hot water with lemon might be ok to try.Prune juice is effective but I don’t know how these will affect your stoma.I have a urostomy but know the joys of constipation too.I hope you can find something to help.Love Jane xx

  • Thank you so much Jane, I'll try that immediately! At the moment my stomach is jumping as if I was having twins!

    Moira x

  • I hope your stomach calms soon.My elderly aunt finds the hot water with a bit of fresh lemon helpful but she doesn’t have a stoma.xx

  • Hi Moria,

    I’m so sorry to hear that you’re in pain and I’m not surprised that it’s getting you down. Being in pain is so tiring.

    I have a permanent end colostomy and started having a few niggles about 12 mths ago too. I’m quite a tough cookie with pain as I’ve had a few surgeries now but the abdominal pain I had in November was nothing like I’ve ever had before. It was like someone had a drawstring cord inside me and kept pulling it, so my middle kept contracting - sorry, it’s hard to describe! In conjunction with the pain, I started being sick too. I’d had a couple of episodes like that before but always put them down to stress.

    Anyway long story short, the GP thought I had a touch of gastroenteritis. Ermmm no, the pain wasn’t like a normal abdominal pain. I asked my oncologist to look at my latest annual PET scan and it transpires that I now have 3 hernias - 2 moderate incisional ones (one dates back to my 1st surgery in 2017 - go figure!) and a fairly large parastomal hernia (which I knew about as you can’t miss it!). On top of this, some bowel loops have sneaked through the gap, which he thinks is causing my symptoms. Hope you don’t mind me asking but have you had a scan recently? If not, it might be worth asking for one.

    I’m booked in for a complex hernia repair at the end of the month. Think my whole abdomen is being wrapped up in mesh, so I’m hoping that everything will be pulled back in where it rightfully belongs…….and hopefully I might drop a few dress sizes too lol.

    As for constipation, I suffered a little bit with that whilst I was having chemo (pre stoma days). I used to swear by fresh pineapple - kept me regular as clockwork. Very much doubt ‘Boris’ would cope with that now - he has a hissy fit with anything that’s high in fibre.

    I hope you find something that works for you, Moira.

    Liz x

  • Hi Liz,

    I went to A&E about the same thing in November and I was assured it was a bug, plus the lumps were unpassed poo! I have Parastomal hernia too and they recommended that I ask about a repair! Which I did but the consultant basically told me it was a waste of time, it would just come back! I phoned 111 earlier but that was a waste of time, once the doctor knew I wasn't eating, he said if nothing goes in, nothing comes out! I understand that, but I can't eat! I had mushrooms on Saturday and I'm terrified they've caused a blockage! I'm getting that dragging feeling too, whenever I stand up!

    I'm due my annual scan any day now but don't see the consultant until June! I can't even get out of bed which isn't helping! The lumps around the stoma come and go but when they are there, the pain is dreadful!

    Thanks again Liz, I hope your complex hernia repair goes well.

    Moira x

  • After a terrible, painful night, I thought things had finally started moving! They had, really bad diarrhoea! I decided to force myself to eat some cereal and a tinned pear, two spoonfuls in and it happens again! Now, do I think I'm shifting what was there or what! I'm confused and still feeling sickly and so, so tired! 

    Moira x

  • Oh Moira,It sounds like things are shifting but not in the way you want.I hope you feel better soon.Love Jane xx

  • Thanks Jane! The 111 Doctor sent me laxatives, now I don't know whether to take them with having diahorrea! To me it's a no but maybe if the lumps are going to return, I should! What a complicated lifeJoy I seem to have developed! Joy

    Moira x