Prayer support is needed please

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  • 15 subscribers

My husband now needs to have surgery next Tuesday Bowel resection and temp stoma.

difficult time at best of times but with virus throws additional concerns as you can imagine.

i would really appreciate your prayers please for a safe and successful operation and full speedy recovery and back to health.

thank you my faithful friends xxx

  • Hi , missed your post - sorry. This temporary tent thing we live in can make this part of living very hard at the best of times. 

    But add a cancer journey and the challenges are off the scale, praying for a positive way forward for your husband.

    These are two sections from an article au found about scanxiety ((hugs))

    Acknowledge your Feelings

    Don’t try to ignore the way you feel, as this can actually increase your anxiety. Instead, recognise and even embrace your scanxiety. This first step empowers you to take action, move forward and manage your emotions, helping you find peace and feel more in control of your own life.

    Talk about It to the Right People

    Venting your fears and frustrations to people close to you can be a wonderful way to release stress and gain vital support. However, if you have folks in your life who tend to exacerbate your worries or load you up with even more concerns (and really, who doesn’t have that one friend or family member?), avoid sharing too much with them

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you and for your prayers, support and kind thoughts.

    my faith wobbles sometimes but I know it’s human and God understands my frailty. Xxx

  • Sorry process, I've only just seen your post. Praying for both you and Don to receive peace, strength and comfort during this difficult time and that Jesus directs all those involved in the care for Don. Praying for healing for you both and for direction that the best possible outcome is received. God bless and comfort you both...lean on him and trust . Love and hugs. Lamb. XXx

  • Sending some prayer support for our 

    Some of you who follow others activity will of seen in the womb group that our poor little lamb has just found out she has reaccurrance that appears now to have spread to other areas as well as the bowel. She's been in hospital recently very poorly indeed with sepsis and then the discovery of the reaccurrance. She had always done the right thing and got checked out about the pain she was having but its been missed and its this recent stay in hospital that she found out all this. Her husband too is in hospital they were even in two different hospitals so I pray for his health too. Our little lamb is now home I believe but needs to build up her strength.

    So can we please keep our little lamb in our prayers, sending prayers of strength and support and prayers for god to watch over her and her Doctors as they get her well enough to operate and for chemotherapy. 

    Plus to congratulate her daughter for the birth of her son, lambs grandson.

    Bless our little lamb.  Pray

    Community Champion badge_GBear Xxxx 

    What is a Community Champion?    Womb cancer forum  

    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.

    “let hope be your lighthouse beckoning you though stormy seas" - Jessica de la Davies

  • FormerMember

    You are in my healing prayers.x

  • Standing with you in prayer much love xxHearts️

  • So very sorry to hear that our Little Lamb is so unwell and it saddens me.  I will of course pray for healing and comfort and sending Little lamb love and gentle hugs for a speedy recovery and that she gets good care, that she is soon restored.  May God be with her and around her and support her.

    thank you too Gbear for making me and others aware, I am not on womb forum. Love to you too. Xx

  • Praying for healing and peace for May God bless her and her family with a strong sense of his presence with them xx

  • good evening all, I am so sorry but I am in need of your prayers again please.  Husband had lots of tests since his last scan, we see oncologist on Wed I am feeling very anxious and dread overcomes me at times, it’s been a tough year....I continue to pray for us and for all on this group and others who are sick.

    plesae if you are free and can please pray for us, thank you x

  • ((Hugs)) 

    I was listening to this in my Lectio 365 App today.

    Darkness turns to light. Night turns to dawn. Joy increases. Whether all at once, like flipping a light switch in a darkened room, or slowly but surely as the dawn takes us from night to day. The presence of Jesus promises light, hope, and joy.

    Pause and pray

    Yielding Prayer

    It might feel like nighttime now, but as I enter into this season of Advent, I yield myself to hope and I pray this ancient song that originated in monasteries in the 8th or 9th century:

    O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer

    Our spirits by Thine advent here

    Disperse the gloomy clouds of night

    And death's dark shadows put to flight

    Rejoice, Rejoice, Emmanuel has come to thee oh Israel.

    Yielding Promise

    And now, as I prepare to take this time of prayer into the coming day, I rest in your promise that, ‘The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all;’ Psalm 34:17-19

    Closing Prayer

    Father, help me to live this day to the full,

     being true to You, in every way.

    Jesus, help me to give myself away to others,

     being kind to everyone I meet.

    Spirit, help me to love the lost,

     proclaiming Christ in all I do and say.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge