Brave the Shave

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This is a difficult thing to say as I know it raises a lot of money.  I have a whole host of issues with the Brave the Shave campaign and feel that it is really insensitive.  Do many people here find it problematic?

Someone where I live is arranging an event in the local town centre and inviting the population to come along and cheer her on, it sounds like it will have a real air of festivity about it.  I can't bear the thought of it. 

For me, losing my hair was the start of having to admit to myself and the outside world that I was no longer the person that I was and will never be that person again. 

I have my hair back now (my eyebrows remain annoyingly sparse Grimacing) but have been on chemo for the last 18 months.  People I bump into who I haven't seen for ages say how great it is to see me looking so much better, that stings like nothing on earth as I'm stage 4 and am very quickly running out of treatment options.

  • Hi

    I think quite a lot of us find the head shave thing a bit difficult. I know people mean well, but often I think there is a lack of sensitivity shown to the difference between losing your hair because of cancer, and having it shaved for charity.

    Glad your hair is back ( my eyebrows have also gone missing despite the rest of my hair coming back), but it is annoying that people assume because it is back, then you are sorted. There is a whole discussion to be had re people's misunderstanding of stage 4 cancer. I dont know if you are on the "Incurables" forum but it is a good one to have some of those discussions with people in a similar boat, especially as you say you are running out of treatment options.