Husband working while I’m vulnerable

  • 4 replies
  • 4 subscribers

hello, can anyone help! 
if you are in the vulnerable category has your partner any rights to stay off work during this period. My husband has taken unpaid leave for a week and 2 weeks holiday to get us thru this “stay at home” period and my 2nd chemo cycle. 
work has told him as he has no symptoms and no one in the house has, he can only do unpaid and holiday. Which I feel is unfair as others are getting full pay if someone in the house has slight symptoms. I know this sounds very selfish but he works in a huge food distribution centre and I am so scared of him bringing the virus home.

  • Hi

    I'm sorry but I don't know if your partner has any "rights" to stay off work while you're having chemotherapy. It's understandable why you're scared that he may bring the virus back from his place of work if you're classed as vulnerable.

    This is a link to Macmillan's information on coronavirus and people living with cancer and I've found this link for you to the government guidance on social distancing. I don't think either though talk about whether your partner can get paid leave.

    If you're still unsure after reading through the information you could give the Macmillan Support Line a call on 0808 808 0000. It's free to call and they have dedicated work support specialists who may be able to answer your question.


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  • Thank you I have read those links but I will try Macmillan number. Thank u x 

  • That's probably a good idea although you might have to wait longer than normal to speak to someone at present.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    My husband working too & we have 2x kids in house. V anxious u must be, I'm not having chemo. Mad times, take care x