Sons diagnosis Hodgkins lymphoma

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  • 22 subscribers

Its pretty hard to get your head around. Even though he's 26 years old he's still my baby. We have such a strong bond. I hate seeing him struggling like this. He had a biopsy that's confirmed cancer but they need to do a multiple core biopsy to see what stage he's at and what treatment is best. He's already been told an operation is out of the question as the mass is to big and he could lose his leg. Has any one got any good coping mechanisms.

  • Wishing you all the very best today Karen for the appointment with your son's consultant. I am thinking of you both and hope you get the best results possible and a start date for his chemo to begin. 

  • All my suggestions to all parents to give your children the best t.time of their life.Let them so the things that they want to do as cancer is an evil and always attacks good people and it does relapse in their life time I list my son in.just a year since he diognose and were told he is in remission.He had his stem cell transplant but cancer is cancer and came back aggressively 

    Sending my love to all parents and have parents 

    Stay strong and have s good weekend 
