Having a bad day

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Sorry but I'm having a bad day and I just need to let it out.  I woke up feeling like I've had no sleep and really down.  Mum's been bad this week - a lot of pain and, I think, sliding into depression - so I'm in overdrive on worrying about her.  My sister is with her today so I don't need to go round to see mum although I probably will drop round later.  I thought I would throw myself into cleaning the house so make myself busy and then I'd start to feel better.  My fatal mistake was asking my 18 year old daughter to help.  She had a major strop.  I tried to keep calm as I realise that she is worrying about my mum too but it was hard.  I tried to talk to her but she just got worse and worse so I gave up.  Then my husband made sarcastic comments about it all - again he is worrying and his mum is also not well - so I am still trying to keep a lid on it.  But I feel even worse now.  I'm now sitting on the sofa in my pyjama's watching old episodes of Grey's Anatomy without the will to do anything else.  I just keep crying and feel so very very sad. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Unknown said:


    May I date ask how your Mum knew it tasted like earwax?? Lol

    Sue x

    I asked her that she said oh you know what I mean and looked grumpy. ..
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Nice gifts from your dogs for you

    At my place for the night my sis taken over. I have cheesecake!

    (No cat).


  • Just back from my mum's.  She bit my head off earlier.  She never does that to me.  Made me really sad.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Elenium

    Sorry Elenium.  Mum has done similar. 

    To me and much more so to Dad.

    She can't remember it all but did say "I can't be a nice polite person when it hurts and sometimes I'm too tired for whole sentences.   Sometimes I can just get out one word"



  • Thanks Jenny.  It just made me realise how bad she feels. I mean I do know but it just hit me hard. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Elenium

    Hiya Elenium. 

    I know how it feels to go through a bad day - I seem to be having my fair share lately. I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. Xx 

  • Thank you Love31.  I completely understand why you are having bad days and am here if you need to rant.


  • Aaargh! Families!  I've completely had enough! Mum's just told me that my sister went off food shopping yesterday and left her for two hours!  My poor mum.  She said it was really horrible being on her own.  She felt really down.  I don't get it.  I go and do mine and mum's food shopping before I go round to hers.  I leave home  really early to get it all done so I can be at hers by 9am.  My sister's not working so could go any other day???  Mum asked me to speak to the others about it all.  I didn't tell her I've tried and they're ignoring me.  I told her that I think she needs to have an honest conversation with them about the pain (I think she covers it up a bit in front of them) and how down she feels and that she looks forward to them coming round.  Do they not realise that mum sits there thinking about the fact that she's not got much longer to live and there's nothing anyone can do.  She doesn't expect us to be there 24 hours a day, although I know she would like that, but surely they can come for a whole day without going and leaving her on her own. Is it me?  Am I expecting too much of people?  This is their mum.  She brought us up on her own after dad died when we were very young and she did everything for us.  She did loads of cleaning jobs to make ends meet and was still there for us when we got home from school every day.  She's done so much for us and they can't even do this for her.  Angry doesn't even come close to how I'm feeling at the moment.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Elenium

    I know that feeling Elenium...I really do.  Until recently a similar scenario at ours.  Things have improved lately although still me 90% of time. Does your sister have a temper? Maybe your Mum doesn't want to upset her. 

    Maybe the time has come to be angry at your sister.  Hateful though that is.  



  • No, my sister doesn't have a temper but I think my mum just doesn't want to talk about it, which is understandable. I'm not good at confrontation with my family and as much as they make me angry I don't want to have an out and out row with them.  Apart from one of my sisters, my siblings aren't as close to mum as I am.  Me and mum have always spent a lot of time together and my children are very close to her so I know that this is affecting me much more than them. I get the feeling that they think I'm over reacting and being melodramatic when I say that my world is falling apart.  
