Community in bloom

  • 31 replies
  • 9 subscribers

You may remember the ‘Winter picture festival’ that was featured on the Community at the end of last year. We've received such great feedback from the members that took part, and others who loved seeing the pictures posted, so we have decided to do something similar and launch our very own ‘Community in bloom’.

This is a space for members to share springtime images of: 

  •  wildlife,
  • gardens,
  • seasonal foods and cooking,
  • anything which fits within the springtime theme.

It’s a chance to show off your creativity if you enjoy crafts or have taken a picture that could brighten up the site.

You’re invited to post as many images as you like as we love to see your pictures and creativity on the site. The images you post may be used in our upcoming newsletters or featured in our future Community news blogs. If you need some help getting started you can find step-by-step guidance in our Help pages,

We hope you enjoy taking part and if you have any questions or need some help getting involved, please get in touch with the Community team by emailing 

Best wishes, 

Macmillan Community Team