Song lyrics - one line from a Fishermen's Friends song and I'm crying!

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  • 11 subscribers

Here is one that surprised me. I am siting here in my spinal back brace / arthritis in my knees and the bone tumour in my right shoulder nagging and I decided to start listening to some music.

Fishermen's friends Cornwall is my home and started crying. One line in the chorus had me crying. I'm a 56 year old man and just went to pieces. It is just amazing what a rollercoaster of emotions Cancer does to you.

All the best to everyone fighting this.

  • Hi Marty666

    I am sorry to hear of your cancer and arthritis. 

    I find that the right music really can bring emotions to the surface and sometimes it can actually be a bit of a relief/outlet. Fishermen's friend are certainly a talented bunch of men and I can understand why they made you feel emotional. 

    I listened to a lot of music during my cancer journey- and both before and after- and I often felt that it could reflect how I was feeling. Sometimes during my chemo cycles I would listen to calming music to help me relax. 

    Keep listening- I found it really helpful. And I hope the shoulder pain eases. 



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