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New boy to these forums - still have to put my vital statistics up - so just saying hi.

This looks like the most adult place to be.

I’ve joined a couple of forums but I’m going to need an education, counselling,psychotherapy ( got other issues right now) and basically to grow up before I can presume to attempt to understand and empathise with the anxiety and fear I see here.

I’m 70 so it’s about time to grow up and I would say ‘grow a pair’ but I have prostate cancer now and the plan is to chemically castrate me.( will be interesting to see if my posts change) with a testosterone excision. (Do you get to keep it - I could flog it on Facebook market place?)

I did warn you about the immaturity! See you later.

  • Hello  

    Guess what - it's me again - yes I do get around and not just the prostate group. Chemical castration isn't too bad I've had it for 3 years, I prefer to call it "Hormone Therapy". The thing is without the treatment the other option - well to me it's a "no brainer". Sadly your testosterone just goes, no chance of collecting it and selling it. The bonus about Hormone Therapy is that it comes with a multitude of side effects, would you believe "Growing a Pair" is one of them - I have a nice pair of "moobs" - Prostate Cancer - the gift that keeps giving.

    So back to business - we can offer you some counselling and here's the link:

    Free BUPA Counselling For People With A Cancer Diagnosis.

    If you have a Maggie's near you - this is a cancer support centre where you can just nip in, have a brew and a chat and calm your fears - linky thing here - Maggie's

    Don't forget our Support Line on 0808 808 00 00 (8am to 8pm 7 days a week) is there for you too - they are a great set of folk with plenty of resources to help you on your journey.

    If I can do anything else for you - drop me a line.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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