Stress before oncology reviews

  • 6 replies
  • 12 subscribers
  1. I'm 5 years post-diagnosis and I've been having blood tests and reviews with the oncologist every 3 months. The next one is today. I'm currently off medication but expect to be put back on it every time, which I dread. Usually in the week or so before the appointment I start to get stressed and anxious and difficult to live with. This time has been particularly bad and my wife is barely talking to me at the moment. I keep myself busy and fit and occasionally do meditation on Headspace. I expect it helps a bit but doesn't fix it. When I'm with other folk outside my family, I probably appear relatively normal, and I enjoy their company. I wish I could be like that with my family. 
  • Hi Jo I would imagine the anxiety is the same for everyone that have reviews.   Normally a few weeks prior to my visits any little niggle I think could be a reoccurrence.   I think we can be 'normal' with our immediate family but put on  face for the rest of the other people we come into contact with.   Have you made use of the Macmillan counselling service? 

  • Thank you Mick. thanks for your response And the reminder that I'm not alone in it. I did have some chats with an NHS psychologist shortly after diagnosis, but perhaps it's time for some more. I'll look up the Macmillan counselling. 

  • From what I understand your consultant, CNS or GP can make the referral.  How did your review go today?

  • Have oncology reviews every 4 weeks and just dread that some other bad news will be handed out. Stage 4 terminal bone cancer for over a year now and just for once some good news.

  • That's tough Marty. It seems there's little good news around generally at the moment, but there are still good people out there, and I've noticed the evenings are getting marginally lighter. What sort of support do you get from your family and friends? 

    My latest review on Friday ended up with arranging for a CT scan in the next few weeks. If they spot any metastases in bones then maybe I can have targeted chemo or radio therapy. Otherwise, if it's just distributed around my body it'll be back on the hormone meds, which really did me in last time.  

    What sort of treatment are you on Marty. 

  • Hi,lenvatinib ,calcium tablets , densumb injection (think I have spelt that wrong) , 275 thyroxine and countless painkillers. The cancer started in the thyroid and spread to the bones. Got a tumour in the right shoulder joint and in other places.To round it all off got arthritis in knees and left shoulder.Oh almost forgot have to wear a spinal back brace ,couple of vertebrae were pushing on the spine. Next review at end of the month and a mri scan next week for the whole body.  Just be nice for once to get some good news