Stress! Sleeping

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  • 16 subscribers

So I made a mistake and looked on my nhs portal before my face to face with doctor . I now know that my kidney cancer has spread and I would say last night was up there with one of the worst sleeps of my life . I have tonight to deal with before tomorrows meeting and I wondered if anyone had any tips 

  • Sorry to hear this…… been in this position a lot over my 25 years with my incurable cancer.

    The one thing I always do is do a ‘mind dump’….. I have note books going back over my years so the night before appointments I put all my question on paper…. every little thing that comes to mind then close the note book….. as my great CNS always says “…in reality we can throw all the stress in the world at this but will it change outcomes…..? No….. but it will make you ill and not in the best physical and mental position to deal with what comes along”

    All the very best.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thanks for reaching out Mike . Wow 25 years right now I feel I can dream of such longevity with the prognosis I have coming tomorrow. Anyway do you have any good questions I could ask 

  • My type of cancer is completely different but list the simple questions that come to mind…. about treatments etc….. and on a few occasions I did ask what my prognosis was ….. in late 2013 I was given a few years but my team came up with a 2 year treatment plan and here I am.

    All the very best.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Yes I have a lot of treatment based questions. I do get it’s a completely different cancer and the prognosis is completely different .