My partner

  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Evening all 

sorry just need to write things down and rant. 
i found out I have stage 1a cervical cancer two weeks ago, I’m having surgery on Friday but my partner is non stop being horrible I just wanted to talk about my feelings and worries of what if etc but his not talking to me, his sleeping on the sofa and I feel so lonely like I’m doing this completely on my own. His just so angry at me saying things like I let my kids get away with everything, I spoil them too much etc, who cares about this stuff when I’m dealing with this, im heartbroken his not once been sad or cried about this his just got so nasty. 

  • Hi..I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. But have everything crossed for you that they've found it quickly and you've got surgery booked for Fri. I hope it goes well.

    With regards to your partners current behaviour towards you, do you think he's scared and doesn't know how to deal with his emotions? What was he like before your diagnosis? 

    I hope you manage to talk to him and he's there to support you through this.

    Sending love and strength. Take care. Xx

  • I hope you’re okay. 
    he might be struggling to express or holding in emotions because he’s finding it hard to talk. Still it’s not nice for you as you need someone to talk to in this difficult time. 