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  • 12 subscribers

This is not cancer related but I thought you wouldn't mind me putting my thoughts in print.  My stepsons long term girlfriend gave birth to a baby boy yesterday morning and what should be a  happy time has turned into a total nightmare.  Due to his selfishness/laziness he didn't even tell his mam that the baby had been born.  We only found out when he rang and asked if I would collect them from the maternity unit.   In the 10 years we have been together I have never seen my partner so upset.   She feels totally let down and disgusted at his behaviour and this lead to some harsh workings being exchanged  yesterday.  She says she does not want to speak to him again and does not want to bond with the baby! Thank you for listening.   

  • Hi Mick  28.12.22 welcome to  the forum and congratulations on the birth of your new grandchild. I can appreciate how your partner may be feeling and how upset that she is. Was that his way of telling you that the baby had been born by calling for you to pick them up? Im just wondering because women don't seem to be in hospital very long now, some as short as a few hours if a normal delivery.

    Families can be strange beasts and making our way through them can sometimes be fraught with difficulties  and Im sure we can  all relate to some of that with our own families. Could you have  a chat with your stepson and explain how upset that your partner is and why and see if they can have  an open and honest chat.? I think she will change her mind when she sets eyes on that baby and maybe for now its just about being there for her and I do hope that you get an amicable solution that suits you all.      


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  • Thank you for your reply Gail.  Daughtser in law  was induced on Monday morning around 10 and the baby was born at 1 am the next day.   My  partner was keeping in touch by text during the day!  We  had been looking after our daughter in laws son after he came home from nursery and he stayed the night.   I don't think we were expecting to much to receive a text just to say that mother and baby were OK!  I have left it to my mother in law to to play mediator.  I've brushed over his selfishness previously but seeing how upset Lorraine was yesterday I will always be there for the boys but will  leave him to do his own thing.  I think you are right intime Lorraine will come round when other family members start sharing photos of the new baby.   Thanks again x

  • Aw I Hope it all works out for you all. Its not easy with families .x


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  • Having experienced childbirth and grandparents and fallen asleep and not read very important texts at crucial times my input here may help. Please accept that everyone is at a heightened state when a baby is born. Sometimes with social media we expect so much and for news to travel fast , forgetting how mindblowing this all is. The new life is all that matters, bonding is something that varies but loving is all that matters. Let things settle and just love the new life. 

    I hope this helps