Scared and anxious

  • 20 replies
  • 17 subscribers

 I usually write in the lung cancer forum

 But my emotions keep swinging everytime I think I have a grip on it I wake up terrified again..  the only people I have here in UK are my 5 kids.. 2 live with me. But they all fight with each other and I'm stuck in the middle. I feel so hopeless I just dont want to be here anymore.. sorry I feel so emotional today. I've tried talking on phone to someone that didnt help.. 

Thank yall for listening 

Lost and alone brandie

  • I did call McMillan this morning because I wasn't feeling well they had me call 111 and they sent me to hospital for chest xray as all the checks they did were checking for blood clot or possible growth being the reason it hurts on left side . I have a therapy with a bupa lady and a McMillan buddy... I tried to show myself kindness by going to library the other day and it back fired as I woke up feeling horrible with a pain  on left side when I breath. So I am at hospital getting chest xray so they can rule out a blood clot and to see if its grown and that's why it hurts..

  • I'm glad to hear that you are getting checked out.  Hopefully they will be able to sort you out.

    Mind yourself.


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  • It was a chest infection like my gp thought but hospital gave me stronger antibiotics..take care brandie

  • I am really sorry you've experienced this pain - its such a hard journey.....I am pleased  that the hospital are looking into this properly and you will get the right care you need.   I hope you are doing ok today.   It sounds like you are doing everything you can to look after yourself - which is great.   I keep thinking as long as I am doing everything I can - i still have my fight!  

    Warm hugs x

  • I'm glad to hear that they've have gotten to the bottom of the pain.  Hope the antibiotics kick in quickly.

    Mind yourself.


    Community Champion Badge

  • Its pneumonia so I'm still I'm hospital atleast one more night..

  • Its pneumonia.  So am still in hospital getting iv antibiotics 

  • Brandie, what you're feeling is so painful and distressing hon.  I don't know what your oncology team are like, approachable?  Were you given a lung cancer nurse specialist?  The nurse would be the easiest person to contact with your legitimate worries about the delays.  How long is it since you were diagnosed hon?  Sometimes delays are expected but other times you may need to push your case a few times.  The panic that sets in after diagnosis is scary.  I had to wait from end of March to August for my treatment to start.  All that time I fretted about the cancer spreading.  I felt so helpless and so scared.  I really feel for you babe.  I'm sad you feel so very alone, even with friends and family around I think we all have similar emotions.  It's a lonely journey.   Just keep talking to us cos we are here for you xxx 

    Some support with your daughter might help too.  Things never come alone do they!  It's more than enough to deal with the cancer but to have an ill daughter too is exhausting.  We're chasing a diagnosis of autism to help us to begin to find a way through. Our GP just accepted our wish and gave us a form to fill out. So hon be positive and really push to get treatment started for yourself.  

    Macmillan do have a support line you can ring and I believe they have a buddy support system.  Hang on in there Brandie, it will come together for you.  Sending you lots of love and a huge hug xxx 

  • Still here I'm loosing my mind. I just want to go home and focus on getting rid of the cancer.. I feel as though I'm loosing my mind..

  • Sorry to hear that you are still struggling. xx

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