Here we go again...

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  • 13 subscribers


I'm at the end of my tether...My sister just went for a procedure that basically puts a camera into and down your throat then your stomach. She found out that there were some polyps visible and the Doctor took some samples to check for any cancer signs.

I've finished going through treatment myself for Lymphoma and dealing with the after effects...but I sit here typing away realising my sister may have cancer again after being clear for so long.

It could be the same cancer that I lost my father to...she has tried to prepare her son the best she can as he has never really gone through this unlike my sister and I.

It will take a few weeks before we find out for sure. I can't believe this is happening to her again...the worry and the waiting...Slight frown

I've tried to be positive through my own journey, but to think my sister could be positive breaks my heart after all she has been through. Can't she just catch a break???

Sorry about this, but I had to vent somewhere...

Be well all