An update

  • 8 replies
  • 18 subscribers
  • Hello,

 I posted on here this afternoon and I have decided to change.

 I (like all of you) have been through a lot (see my profile). My mum passed away earlier this year and I had a panic attack and some form of a breakdown.

 I have decided I have to forgive myself and everything. I know I will have to work on it but I feel with all the negativity and fear which happened isn’t doing myself isn’t helping.

 I feel more relaxed now.

Thank you xxx

  • Hi Lisa. You really have been through a tough time.  My mum died seven months ago yesterday and I still haven’t felt able to grieve.  I recently started some counselling where I realised that I need to start working on myself from my cancer diagnosis first before I can come to terms with anything else.  Be kind to yourself and don’t be afraid of asking for help-it can be useful to speak to someone who hasn’t got any emotional ties to you-you don’t have to go over things you would prefer not to but a good counsellor has many ways of helping. Good luck and wishing you well. xx

  • Hello ,

    Thank you for your reply and thank t really means a lot.

     I am sorry for your loss and I hope the counselling is helping. It is hard to deal with health and bereavement.

     I spoke to a bereavement counsellor on Thursday and she was lovely and has referred for more counselling.

    Thank you for kindness and I am wishing the best for and I am sending you love and good vibes.

    Lisa xxx



  • I’m so sorry about your mum.My mum died in January and I miss her so much.I hope the counselling helps.Love Jane xx

  • Hi Lisa,Sorry I haven’t been in touch,I haven’t been very well.I’m so glad the bereavement counsellor was lovely.I’ll be in touch soon,I haven’t forgotten about you.Love and hugs Jane xx

  • Hi LisaCardiff. Thank you for your lovely reply.  I have been to another counselling session today-it is helping me to work through the last roller coaster of the twelve months especially.  I don’t know about you but over all the tests and treatment I have all the staff were really good at dealing with the practical things which needed to be gone though but in a rather matter of fact manner and they never once asked how I felt or was coping with the diagnosis.  NHS staff are under so much pressure that mental health is often overlooked.  I really hope that you continue to be helped by some more counselling.  Be kind to yourself. With my warmest wishes xx

  • Hi Walkinglady,I have found the same.It’s rare these days that you meet any medical staff that ask about your emotional state.It is so important even more so since the pandemic when so many people struggled.I’ve been more emotional since my mum died and I’m emotional anyway.I rung Cruse and they were helpful.Talking does help.Love Jane xx

  • Hi Jane, thank for your reply.  It doesn’t matter how old you are, to lose your mum is so hard.  I had an oncology appointment today and when I told the oncologist and CNS that I was having counselling to help with bereavement but also my whole cancer journey, they were really supportive. My biggest problem is that I have put my emotions to one side for the last twelve months so I need to be able to reconnect safely to them.  I hope that you are doing okay cancer wise now.  Take care, love xx

  • I’m glad you had some support today.I’m waiting for a scan to see whether the cancer is back as I haven’t been as well lately.Hopefully it’s an infection rather than cancer.Yes it is very hard to lose your mum.Mum and I were very close as I cared for her for over 15 years.She had been disabled following a brain haemorrhage.Do you have supportive family and friends ? Love Jane xx