Feeling guilty

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I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain stem tumour a year ago and I have chemotherapy every month. The treatment caused side-effects which has meant I need support physically as I have lost a lot of mobility. I know this has caused additional stress for my familyas they are the ones that are helping me. I am also immunocompromised, which in the recent pandemic I have had to shield, but so have they. Whilst I’m not bothered about not going to the pub and places like that, I know they are. They are also uncomfortable wearing masks, but do you still need to because of my immune system and this makes me feel guilty that their lives are on hold because of me 

does anyone else feel that way?

  • Don't feel guilty charlotteLG your family would rather have you for longer and wear masks and I'm sure they don't feel as though there lives are on hold I would guess they see you as being brave and amazing dealing with such a horrible illness but obviously still managing to put the occasional smile on your face my dad had inoperable pancreatic cancer during lockdown and we never felt he was a burden or causing us hardship we just felt we wanted to spend time with him regardless sadly he passed last year and I now have breast cancer but I use his resilient to help keep me going .celebrate how awesome your family is they love you and want to make life the best they can for you it's also ok to tell them you feel down too sending hugs xxx

  • FormerMember

    Firstly I am so sorry to hear your diagnosis and situation that is truly awful and I send you all the love and hugs in the world Heart

    I can totally relate and understand how you feel about this and your family looking after you. My mum felt the same way when she was going through her cancer journey, but you know I was happy to be with her and support her through her hard times and I'm sure your family feel the exact same way with you. I have cancer now as well and do feel like this sometimes but my family have told me so many times that they don't mind and want to be with me through it all, especially my little sister, she is my rock and has been since I was diagnosed.

    My sister summed it up perfectly when she said to me "family is the most important thing, nothing else matters " 

    I completely agree with that. 

    Try to be kind to yourself and remember that they love you and want to be there for you.

    Sending you hugs,

    Jess xx

  • Hi, Charlotte.

    Guilt is a completely and natural emotion. 

    it is there as a way of protecting the species, when bad things happen we can't get our minds round, there is a natural reaction to seek through absoluttely everything to see if there may have been a way to prevent it.

    It also tries to find a way to limit the bad feelings of others.

    You are clearly very kindhearted, loving and sensitive, beautiful qualities and maybe need to be that way to the small and vulnerable you inside us all.

    My psychologist said to always ask myself

    Would I be this hard on anyone else?

    Am I being as kind as I enjoy being to others?

    What would I want to say to anyone else in my situation?

    I think you can guess my first two answers! 

    It is hard to see the pain our condition causes- but it is the condition, not you and you have a life to enjoy as best you can.

    Hope this helps.