
  • 3 replies
  • 12 subscribers


i feel so angry at the moment and upset ,cant seem to get my  head around anything , have no interest to do anything. How do you cope with it ? 

  • FormerMember

    I completely understand. I used to get angry a lot too, especially I'm the first year or two. 

    I wrote a blog on it. Not sure if it's helpful or not but this is how I felt at the time.

  • Hi Tammy, I don't feel angry like you do (very understandable though). I am totally de-motivated so totally understand that feeling. I'm not coping with it, the days drift past and carry me along. Sorry I have nothing to offer you other than you are not the only one - hugs

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tammy.  I think it's pretty normal to be all over the place when you are going through a hard time.  I could go from angry to positive to scared to angry, all in a few hours. You will have your own ways to cope with things...I would try to trust that you are the person who knows what you need better than anyone else.  If you think distraction, laughter, humour helps you - rent some funny films, chat to a friend and let them know you are looking for a distraction.  Or if you think talking about the issue will help you - call a friend who is a good listener and ask them to listen or you could call the Samaritans - they are incredibly good listeners.  Or you could try writing down how you feel. 

    It's ok not to know what to do.  It's ok to do absolutely nothing, to rest, to stay in bed if you think that will help you most in that moment. 

    Whatever you do, you will make the best decision.  And things can change.  One day maybe it will feel best to have a distraction, maybe the next day you want to talk about it...just go with it...accept you may need different things at different times. 

    Good luck.XXX