Flu and COVID vaccination

  • 8 replies
  • 11 subscribers
  • Hi is anybody currently having chemo and been advised whether it is ok to have the flu and COVID vaccine at the same time. If so have you been advised when during your chemo sessions to have it. I keep reading different things so not sure what to do. Thanks
  • Surely there should be a simple answer to this. My husband's oncologist has said that my husband can have both the flu and COVID vaccination and to have it one week before his next chemo session but I am now worried. Thank you for your lengthy response alwayshope. I shall continue digging 

  • I spoke to my oncologist re spring COVID booster and he said not to have it while going through chemo. Once I had finished I asked again and he said fine so I had it done. Last year I had flu vaccine done before surgery so I was all sorted. I've just had my flu jab I have shingles jab next week and I have COVID booster 13th october. 

  • Thank you F1 petrolhead for sharing your experience. Personally I would always err on the side of caution. Don't take any unnecessary chances but stay safe. Shar, this is one response from F1.... on the side of not having vaccinations during chemotherapy which you can add to mine.

    Is anyone out there from Macmillan to add their professional insight?

  • I have just spoken to husband's oncology nurse and she said it is fine to have the covid and flu vaccine at the same time as having chemo and to have it just before the next chemo session which he is, so hopefully all will be ok . 

  • Hi  

    I'm Steph from the Community team. Thanks for your question and I can point you in the right direction to ask a clinically trained professional at Macmillan.

    You can ask a Cancer Information Nurse Specialist through our Ask a Nurse forum or speak to a Cancer Information Nurse Specialist though our Support Line, available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm on freephone 0808 808 00 00email or live webchat.

    Please do let us know if you have any questions, or would like any further support with anything at all.

    Online Community Officer
  • I asked thjs question yesterday at my infusion treatment day. They said to have it done the week before the next infusion so like you I'm now confused! 

    • My husband had a blood test on Wednesday to check if immune system ok for his jab tomorrow. Consultant just rang to say immune system too low and to have jab the day before his next chemo session. Trying to find somewhere that can do it has been a nightmare but we have finally done it