The last word

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  • 41 subscribers

Well, it's getting very near to my wife's end of life (Days).

I still can't comprehend this; it's unbelievable. It's been 6 months since we got her prognosis from the Oncologist she said 18 months to 24 months. Been very short-changed here. Don't believe all you hear and take every day as it comes. It has been destroying and degrading and horrendous and all the other words that would fit here. I can't see ahead without the woman who has cared and looked after me for over 4 decades it is heart-breaking, to say the least.

I could go on and on and the outcome will still be the same.

Can’t understand nature to make someone cry with the pain until the drugs take over and render her lifeless to the delicate small frame of a beautiful woman that once was my wife I am broken hearted truly broken-hearted!

  • Hello, top, I'm so very sorry to read your story.  So sorry that you are both having to go through this. I am sure that having you beside her has been a great comfort to your wife. I hope that you have family and friends to support you. Don't hesitate to call the Macmillan helpline if you need someone to talk to.

    Sending you strength. God bless xxx