Stressed and so alone

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How can I make myself better able to cope with this situation? OH has prostate cancer with bone mets, various treatments over the last two years. He struggles physically but emotionally seems to take things pretty well and everyone thinks we're coping ok. I feel as if I'm holding on to my sanity by my fingernails. We have no family nearby, although his kids make regular contact. Mine however don't contact me from one week to the next, although we are supposedly on good terms. My best friends don't live nearby and are all busy with their own lives and health issues. I've tried telling OH how I feel but he more or less blanks me. There is nobody I can talk to or be honest with. I tell people we're ok because that's what they want to hear. Nobody offers any help, so I try to cope with everything. We can't make plans, can't go anywhere, only see people if they come to us (he isn't able to drive at the moment and stupidly I never learned). I know I can't change the situation, but how can I change my mindset? Some days I'm alright but other times I just can't see any positives. My GP is useless, no help there with anything. Does anyone know of any kind of self help that works?