When your wife decides they can't take palleative chemo any longer...

  • 2 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Today my dearest decided she cant take treatment for her stage 4 cancer anymore; can't blame her. 

She sleeps constantly, her mouth is a mess, her private areas are a mess, her cancer markers are not dropping anyway and the chemo is only palliative not curative.

They only gave her one choice because of heart failure... we have an appointment in 2 weeks to look at options but l already know there are none so really its going to be prognosis.

How grim is this??? But I'm still supposed to be positive and upbeat, deal with caring, chores, UC migration notice in the middle of this crap... l mean really... life is so unforgiving and relentless at times.

  • Hi  

    I am glad you seem to be in agreement with your wife, from what you say that sounds reasonable.

    With my wife's cancer she never wanted a prognosis and I really struggled with that, however we are now over 10 years down the line and nobody would have guessed so in a way I am glad she did not and worth remembering they are at best an educated guess based on averages and who is average anyway.

    One thing I know I had to learn was how to look after me because being a carer can be very draining and as the old saying goes you cannot pour from an empty pot. Glad I got help from Macmillan and Maggies as well as my GP.

    Do post whenever and fingers crossed for that next appointment.



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  • Thanks Steve. My wife has been battling away 9 years. Now its spread, l wish we did have another but thry did say even with the tesatment best they could do aas 15 months or so. She also has heart failure, kidney function probs and other factors.

    It is what it is. Life goes on one day at a time. I wish you both well