Working and Caring Struggles

  • 1 reply
  • 42 subscribers

Hi everyone. Firstly, I'd just like to say what an amazing job us carers do, I really didn't appreciate carers until I found myself being one. 

A bit about my situation, I'm in my early 30s and caring for my dad who has stage 4 colon cancer with his LN, liver and his abdominal peritoneum affected. The pallitative reatment is working well and is stable, thank goodness. I'm currently working a part time, stressful job, 3 days a week. The 2 days off are spent at appointments, or making phone calls etc as I'm sure you're all too familiar with. I am honestly struggling being able to juggle work and caring, but I just cannot afford to be without a job. My work are extremely supportive with my dad and allow me to leave at short notice if ever required. However, when it comes to my own health, they aren't interested. It goes without saying, the huge amounts of stress we are under, our immune systems can be compromised and I'm finding this with myself. I'm on the 3rd case of cold/flu this past year and I've had to take time out of work, to return to a written warning. I've now had to leave work again, on the advice of my doctor due to a suspected early miscarriage or, that something else could be wrong with me and therefore, I am required to undergo some testing. Considering the stress I am already under, this is just too much for me to handle and I can't focus on my job. I understand employers need someone who is reliable but where are we able to turn? What help is available to us? I wish carers were taking into consideration as a proper full time job, because that's what we do. I feel guilty that I'm taking time out of work again, but also, I am worried and feel like work should be my priority, when in reality, it isn't. 

It is nice to be able to have a place to vent at least. Sending strength to you all <3 

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community, I hope you find in helpful and supportive.

    I read your story and recognize so much of what you say. The impact of stress on the carer is easy to underestimate I am registered as a carer with my GP surgery because they know that it I get really ill then it become three people who need care (wife and son too).

    We have a lot of information on working and caring and in that there is a pointer to carers uk



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