Hospice admission for my Mum

  • 2 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Things became really challenging caring for my Mum during the last week or so and at the weekend she was admitted to the hospice. It was truly heartbreaking in so many ways. We all know that the hospice is 100% where she needs to be right now but I woke up today with disbelief. I think now that I have a little bit of time and space, the reality of this situation is beginning to hit me. The hospice have already been so supportive of not only Mum but also of us. It’s just all so very sad and very quick. x

  • Hi  

    Many people have found hospices to be really helpful and it can help us focus our energy on the love rather than the business of caring.

    Thinking of you both.



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  • Thanks Steve - I know. They have been amazing. I am so thankful that I can return to being a daughter again and that my Mum is being looked after. Sadly, we are familiar with the hospice as they also cared for my Dad some years ago. I do find a lot of comfort there. x