I'm so tired, i'm not a saint

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9 years. It's not the double mastectomy or the reconstruction surgery, the chemo or waiting for it to come back year in year out. It's not the massive heart attack, unstable angina, 2 stokes and DVT, it's not the two operations that found it has now come back, is now stage 4 and is in her chest cavity... but has been removed, yet mastercised. Its's the 16 hours a day she sleeps month in month out for over a year never getting dressed; yet says she's not depressed just tired. Pallitive chemo just started but she is already fatigued beyond belief... what life is this??. Struggling big time. If i'm nit waking her up to eat, drink, take meds, make her laugh, occupy her... then it's sleep... no quality of life. This is just shite.... and it's got to get worse yet, l know, l nursed my father to his death. This is evil shite.

  • Hi,

    We’re currently going through this with my Dad. We’re not sure if the cancer is going to get him first or the infections. He’s delirious and confused most of the time and is the most unhappy human on the face of the earth. There’s no joy to be found for him any more and he just wants to go. His suffering is bringing him and us all to breaking point. At first I thought the time would be a gift but it’s become relentlessly awful. 

    Cancer is an evil, it trashes everything, but I hope you find some peace and comfort in that you are doing all you can. Your wife will be filled with love for you and all that you are doing. 

    much love x

  • I am sorry you had this with your father, l had it with my father in the last few  months so l can understand completely.

    We are not at that stage yet though with my wife, far from it, it will come in time. Its just she sleeps endlessly... like she has given up. When there is still so much to go for yet. Hard work  it is

  • My husband sleeps all the time too. He avoids any communication. I’m tired, lonely, dreading Christmas (which he refuses to celebrate). I have all the love and support for him but at the moment my life is empty.

    I am sorry that life is so tough for you, You described it perfectly… it is shite. 

  • Hi lizzie, completely understand and empathise. I have put some decorations up but no visitors, pointless. I may pop out myself and visiting my son. Family dont come round anymore. 

    This is just such an empty way to live and could be so much better for my wife but l cannot for the life of me motivate her no matter how l try, very hard going... keep going kiddo