How to cope with this?

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  • 43 subscribers

I just spent the day in an oncology assessment unit with my husband who told nurses and practitioners that he understood what they were saying and what he had to do. He’s stage 4 and has just started on a new chemo regime. He’s had no appetite and was getting progressively more weak and sleeping most of the day. In the hospital he was bright and jokey. As soon as we got home he refused to eat. I just wanted to follow the little and often approach and have a fridge full of treats. But he refused point blank to eat or even try to eat anything. He’s just taken himself off to bed. He was told if he doesn’t eat he will get weaker and then the less activity he has he won’t want to eat so much. What should I do? I feel so hopeless and yes to be honest really really angry 

  • Firstly, sending you a hug.

    With regard to your husband and how he acts in  public/appointments and the change when he gets home, my hubby is exactly the same.

    If i'm honest I am angry most of the time, mainly with him, how he seems to have given up on everything.

    He doesn't follow what they say about medication and so is in pain.

    I feel trapped and the realisation its not going to get any better if what is happening now is anything to go by.

  • I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s so frustrating isn’t it when we are doing so much to try to help them. I keep telling myself it’s just my husband’s way of dealing with his situation. Partly a men are from Mars, women are from Venus thing I guess. 
    Stay strong. It’s all we can do. Hugs to you too