Don’t know what to do…

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  • 44 subscribers

My husband passed away on Monday. For two and a half years we lived with his cancer, and after his original prognosis, we have the trial teams at Addenbrookes to thank for that. The last three weeks were hard as he deteriorated quickly and I cared for him at home as it was what he wanted. Now after two days of feeling some sort of relief for both him and myself I don’t know what to do with myself. I can’t settle to anything. People are being very kind to me but I feel I’m in some sort of bubble where life is just going on around me.

  • Hi MrsJP, I m so sorry to hear of the loss of your husband, my sincerest condolences to you and all his loved ones, I think many of us can relate to your experience, It's an all consuming way of life both physically and emotionally looking after a loved one with terminal cancer taking up most of your time and occupying your thoughts almost everyday, with little time for you to switch off or think of other things or give yourself a break your body and mind desperately need. Then sadly when they are lost, and your sole purpose in life has gone, a huge emptiness takes over you have more time than you have had for a long time and your purpose has to change, It's a strange new world as you say, and it's up to you how you rejoin it, It will seem strange at first but small steps, seeing family or friends, doing the shopping or going for a walk or a drive and things will return to the familiar. If you have a local cancer group where you can talk to others who have been through the same journey that would be helpful too. If you have a Maggies centre they are wonderful, just pop in weekdays 9 to 5, there is always someone to help or just chat to, best wishes.

    Eddie xx