New but not…….

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  • 44 subscribers

New here but not to the illness. 
My wife finished treatment recently and is doing well. 
Hoping there would be some relief in her final treatment was oh so short lived. Now if the cycle of letters and forthcoming “scanxiety” is proving hard going for me. Small potatoes to many I’m sure but to me hard going, thought provoking, scary and a few other things too. 
Answers I am sure there are plenty of and personal dealing strategies as well. I really do welcome how you are helping yourself as well as those you love and care for.  
Thanks for your time. 

  • Hi  

    A warm welcome to our community I hope you find it useful. For me my wife is stable but incurable and having been that way for 10 years now we are living with cancer.

    There is a guide after treatment that while mainly aimed at the person with cancer might be helpful to you too. 

    For me I got a lot of tips from your emotions when someone has cancer , recognizing my emotions as normal and vaild can help make them feel less overwhelming. I did a living with less stress course that really helped me to appreciate what we have.



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