Not sure what to do re husband's hospital care

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I'm in a bit of dilemma, I'm cross but I don't want to rock any boats. 

The background = my husband has stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma, he was admitted to hospital last Thursday as he hadn't eaten anything for days, he kept being sick, and his feet and legs were swelling up alarmingly. I had taken him the hospital a few days before where he had a blood test (which shown his sodium levels were very low), chest xray (cos a cough had developed), we were sent home with a course of antibiotics and two types of anti-sickness tablets. He's 80 years old and apart from his illness, his low sodium has made him confused and weak. He's also got severe mobility issues. Presently the doctors are baffled to what's causing his sickness and oedema in his legs and feet, they are presently carrying out tests. It maybe the Immunotherapy he's on that's the cause.

The reason why I'm writing, I visited him at around 10.20am this morning, and found him absolutely drenched in urine. Yesterday while having a wee, he fell on the floor while trying to pull his pants up. This obviously caused a panic amongst staff. Since then he's been checked over every hour or so to see if any bruising is developing. One of the nurses told him that he's not to attempt to get out of bed to wee and to just wee in the bed as he's wearing a pad. But it doesn't look like his pad has been changed for quite a while, his pad was dripping wet, all the sheets were wet, as well as his t-shirt. Someone had been pushing absorbent sheets under him to soak up the urine, he had about 4 or 5 of them. What with him being checked over every hour through the night because of the fall, and the amount of absorbent sheets under him, surely a nurse should have noticed and changed his pad? I washed and changed him while I was there and a nurse changed his bed. I don't want to make a fuss, but I don't want this to happen again either.

It's awful enough watching my husband, a very proud man, disintegrate. But to see him is the condition he was this morning, is just too much. I'm not too sure what to do, do I complain, or do I just put up with it? Am I expecting too much care for him. I don't know what to think...  

  • Speak to the ward sister, explain how you feel about the situation, couldn't they attach a cafeta, sorry bad spelling so that he can use the toilet that way, I'm sorry you are going through this, I hope you manage to talk to someone, and your husband has the help that is needed quickly xx

  • Thank you Cursillo for replying, I'll be going to the hospital tomorrow morning, hopefully it'll be when his consultant is visiting him. If he's still in the same condition I'll quietly mention it to one of the MacMillan nurses who attends the consultant when he's doing his rounds. As for a catheter, I'm not sure, I've heard they're notorious for bladder infections? 

    My husband has been lying on his back for a while now, and I don't want him to pick up any bed sores he's already got a lot to deal with, if his skin is lying in urine, well that's pretty caustic.

  • Hi Staying Afloat, so sorry about what's happened. You are right to be both upset and concerned. I know how busy the staff are but finding your husband like that is just not acceptable. Please don't worry about 'making a fuss' - you are the person to advocate for your husband. Do speak to the ward sister - make an appointment if you need to. If it does keep happening, do speak to PALS. I have found them very helpful in the past.

    Don't forget to take care of yourself to! Very best wishes. x

  • Hi,

    I would agree about speaking to the ward sister as well as the Macmillan Nurses. There may be the option of a condom catheter which does not have the same infection risk as an indwelling catheter.  If tou are concerned about pressure care he will need either regular moving or an air mattress- I hope you get something sorted quickly. 
