Feeling ovrwhelmed

  • 7 replies
  • 46 subscribers

13 months since this nightmare began, my husband is Pallative,  he looks reasonably well overall. He appears to be getting more weary on top of the usual fatigue.  I'm scared this may be the start of him deteriorating. Everything feels a challenge, ifeel bad feeling i cant cope, when hes got the Cancer. 

  • Hi Vegas, sorry you're feeling so low. I'm supporting and caring for my daughter who was diagnosed 15 months ago. It's a huge stress and constant worry and completely overwhelming at times. Please don't feel guilty - we all feel the same. You're there for your husband, you're coping in the best way you can.

    I'm glad you've joined this forum, it's so supportive. I hope you have family or friends you can talk to as well. Sending you love, strength and a big hug.

  • Hi Vegas, my husband was diagnosed New Years Eve 2019 with bowel cancer. He has had several operations over the last four and a half years the last one leaving him with two stoma bags for the rest of his life. He is only 57 and I am ten years younger than him. I, like you, feel totally overwhelmed with it all and struggle to cope but feel bad as it isn’t me with cancer. If you ever just want to vent please send me a message. I feel like talking to someone who is going through something similar may help.

    take care xx

  • I hope you are feeling better just knowing you are not alone xx

  • It’s overwhelming at times isn’t it? Im supporting my dad and feel like I’ve been living in a state of constant, I don’t know what the word is, constant anxiety, ready for action, adrenaline fueled ready to respond, on the edge. Looking for signs constantly. I really have to be mindful and remember to focus on the current moment to survive

  • It is hugely overwhelming at times you’re right. Feeling on the edge all the time is just how I feel. We had a bit of good news today though, they did get all the prostate cancer out so although the bowel cancer is R1 at least we know that the prostate cancer hasn’t spread. We are going to celebrate this evening as it could have been another story! You have to try to enjoy each day as it comes I guess xx