Working and being a carer

  • 10 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I wonder how others who are working and caring manage. My husband has stage 4 prostate cancer which has metastasised. He’s recently undergone 8 months of chemo during which I was able to work from home 3 days a week. His treatment has finished and he’s hoping to resume work. He may need more treatment at some point so it’s open ended at the moment. His return to work will be very slow and gradual and to be honest I am worried for him and want to be at home when he gets home and not coming in later from the office. My line manager has been supportive but I know they want to have me back in more often so the arrangement will be reviewed. I am hoping to get an admin job where I can just work from home. I find office life very stressful and no matter how nice your colleagues are, people have absolutely NO clue what it’s like living with this illness and seeing your loved one go through it. It is nothing short of brutal and just consumes your life. Everything you do is overshadowed by this illness. 
It’s funny because one of my colleagues was being nice and asking me about my husband and saying it’s so hard isn’t it? I found it hard to answer that because words just don’t do it justice. Words and language label things but living with cancer is all consuming. It permeates everything. Saying it’s hard doesn’t even touch how I feel. I am sure it’s not just me who feels this.
Just having a rant and a vent. I do attend counselling which is helpful and I am grateful for it. Thank you for reading and I appreciate this forum as it does make you realise others do actually understand.

  • Hi jCoff,  and welcome to the forum,  though sorry you have to be here, I too have prostate cancer, metastatic and T4 and a partner who works part time and understand the difficulties you have to put up with work, friends and caring not just for your husband but yourself as well. Can I suggest you join the prostate cancer forum, where as well as me, you will find many wonderful people, mostly couples who have been through almost everything prostate cancer related and will be able to support and advice, both practical and emotional regarding your husbands condition and working with cancer and working whilst caring. I hope the chemotherapy has been successful, my best wishes to you both,  and I hope to see you soon on the prostate forum. take care. 


  • Hi JCoff 

    I just wrote a similar post to you, it’s very hard balancing it all. I fear that at best my career is knackered and at worst I’ll lose my job. Work are brilliant but all it will take is a slight change in management and I’ll be scuppered. 

    it’s the appointments that are making my life hard. They come at short notice and change on the day. I’ve had to move my own medical appointments, work meetings, vets appointments amongst other things and today one cancellation in dads treatment due to staffing shortages means it has to be all rearranged again for next week which will be at least 3 visits, 

    I truly hope you get a perfect job that fits in with you 

    take care 

  • Do you also feel your taking liberttes everytime you ask for time off, I do.

    I ask for unpaid leave which I get, I'm hoping they don't think its a jolly, yes we go for lunch or visit friends after treatment when possible  but thats dure to the steroids he takes before treatment then things go down after that.

    If i'm honest I have had enough!

    Sending love & hugs to all carers especially those juggling work, family and life which are most of us on here x

  • Thank you for your reply Eddie. Yes I will check out the other forum as you suggested.

  • Thank you for your good wishes. Yes it's a minefield and from the outside people may think it's hard but it's more than that. It permeates every area of your life and is exhausting. I hope your work appreciate the efforts you are making to keep afloat. 

  • Yes and no.. I wouldn't say I feel I am taking liberties. Only those of us in this situation fully understand how exhausting and mentally fatiguing it is. Yes hugs to all carers too. 

  • You are welcome, I hope you join the guys on the prostate forum, they're a wonderful group.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi JCoff,  welcome to the forum. My situation is different from yours - it''s my daughter I am supporting and caring for. She was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer 15 months ago. I'm retired so don't have the worry of coping with work as well, but I just wanted to agree with you about when colleagues/friends ask how things are going. They say things like 'it's so hard', 'you're so brave', and 'I don't know how you cope'. 

    There are no words to answer this really. No-one who hasn't experienced this horrible disease can know what it's like to watch someone you love go through the tests, waiting for results, diagnosis and treatment. I know I had no idea before it hit us. And the 'how do you cope?' What's the just have to. You shed oceans of tears, but you just get on with it.

    Glad you've joined here, this forum is so.supportive. Sending very best wishes and a hug. x

  • I do feel bad, guilty mainly. Most of the time I can juggle things well but recently it’s become relentless with the appointments and the last minute rescheduling. 

    it’s a tough job all round this cancer malarkey. 

  • Yes words are just so inadequate for these life experiences. I am very sorry about your daughter’s illness. It’s a good question..what’s the alternative. Well we know there isn’t one so we keep going I suppose. 
    hugs for you. X