Unfair frustration with husband - won't accept help or do anything positive

  • 18 replies
  • 49 subscribers

After nearly two years of trial treatment we were told my husband’s liver tumour was growing again and there was nothing further to be done. In June we saw the consultant who referred us to the palliative team and advised us, as my husband was still positive and relatively well, to get our things in order and enjoy life. He wouldn’t give a time scale as he said nature was a remarkable and unpredictable thing.

For two months things seemed fine - my husband arranged to stop work, we planned a number of weekend trips away and looked forward to making the best of things. However, exactly one month ago something changed. Out of the blue, while away for a few days, he stopped wanting to do anything complaining he was exhausted. He stayed in bed past 10, then when we went out would be asking to go back to the hotel by 3pm.

My husband is now sitting on the sofa all day wasting away. He has no pain but constantly complains of a weakness in his legs which is stopping him moving. He has little appetite and complains of feeling sick. Both the nurse and myself have offered solutions to help this. Various medications. Eating little and often and things that he fancies eating. Setting himself small targets each day to get him moving but he’s having none of it and I’m getting so frustrated with him.

He refuses to speak to anyone - when the nurse asked if he was able to speak about how he was feeling he just said no. He has no friends to visit as he cuts them off. I feel everything is on me. I knew things would get difficult but not like this. I feel I can’t cope with his mental state now and worry about what will happen when he does get physical pain. 

I feel sad, frustrated and angry with him for not trying anymore. 

  • Reading this is like you reading my mind!

    Its hard when you see them giving up.

    Sending hugs x

  • London Lass

    I have just read your reply on another post and like you said it is like reading your mind.

    I am sending hugs back to you - and also a huge sigh of relief that I am not the only person to be feeling this way.

  • I’m sat on the beach on my own and reading this, feeling exac the same . My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal lung cancer 2 years ago with an estimated couple of months to live - such a shock !  To say it’s been a rollercoaster is an understatement! - with sonetimes shocking care . His mental health has gone up and down .  I at first was mad that he wasn’t fighting but now realise it’s his life and if he wants it this way I just have to go with it.  I have no idea how long he has left but feel as he has no real pain it might be a while and am dreading the next few months when the pain will get worse And wonder how I will cope . It’s very lonely for him and myself but not a lot I can do about it , just know there are many people out there feeling the same xx

  • MrsJP

    I can very much understand how you feel. 
    My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer a year ago and had 6 months of chemo which really seemed to help him Then it was stopped as we were told he had to have a break from it! We had 3 months of ‘normality’ and tried to fit in a short holiday locally and spending time with family and friends. Then out of the blue a month ago all the original symptoms came back — and more. He sleeps for hours, doesn’t go out, grumbles at me for being cheerful, says his hip is v painful and can’t walk easily without pain ( this could be spread of the cancer we were told would happen) I am struggling to have any sort of life ( just need a couple of hours a day to myself!) and feel I am slowly getting more and more depressed — and feel so trapped. ! I also feel v guilty about feeling like this and dread what’s to come! 

  • I certainly do Cags1 and am realising there are many more carers who feel this way ! Hugs to you 

  • Hugs to you — you are not alone! 

  • Hugs to us all caring for loved ones — thank you all for sharing— I feel less lonely and frustrated! 

  • The whole cancer thing is hell for all those involved.

    Reading these replies are exactly how I feel.

    Not sure what the answers are and if there are actually any that will help anyway !

    I feel i'm just wadding tbrough life, no real purpose, no point planning in the short term as every week is something else.

    Been told my hubby will have 5-7 years potentially but he has been bed bonund for ladt 2 weeks, does make me wonder if the treatment is worth the extra time if bed bound is his future!!!

    Sending hugs to all those carers who could scream, cry, swear and run away if they could xx

  • I totally get this. We're approaching 2 years since diagnosis, and although I know I'm lucky to have my husband here I just feel so tired and so alone. Family and friends make the right noises but nobody understands, and they all go back to their own lives after we see them. I tell people we're doing ok, but we just pretend. My husband won't talk about the future, won't face reality, and I'm worried how we'll cope with what's to come and if I can deal with it. We are different people now, and I miss the life we had before all this. He was my strength and now he is weak and needy. Sometimes I need someone to lean on but there is nobody. Sorry this has turned into a huge whinge, I just wanted to say that we understand each other here and never judge. Love to all who are in this hateful situation. We can cope because we have to. Xx

  • Sending you the biggest hug.

    it really helps me to read about others in similar situations. I then don’t feel so wretched and guilty about my reactions.