New to here and struggling......

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  • 46 subscribers

I'm just finding it so hard.  Husband has been diagnosed with prostate, colon, liver and lung cancer.  Just finished chemotherapy, cancer has not advanced, but not reduced and will never go into remission.  He doesn't want to tell anyone.  He has let me tell our adult children and my sister, but no-one else.  He is so angry that he has cancer, very smiley with the nurses and reception staff and so irritable with me.  I can't do anything right.  He is in pain and has medication, but only takes it when really in pain.  Will not engage with the pain management team at the hospice.  I'm just so tired and finding it very difficult.  Any advice would be welcome.  

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community.

    Your story is unfortunately not that uncommon, often people are worried that others will treat them differently/badly as a result of having cancer and so don't want anyone to know. Of course that then can leave us without the support we need. 

    If we look at your feelings when someone has cancer I know I ticked a great number of those issues and in my case I "coped" until I didn't and then I reached out for help for me. 

    I did a living with less stress course that really helped me. I was perhaps not appreciating what we have as worrying about a future I could not control. Life still likes to throw us curveballs and the conscious breathing exercises really helped with that but also in getting to sleep sometimes. 



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  • Hi Lottie,

    Im so sorry that your husband has all this cancer, it’s pretty normal for someone to be angry, but please stick with it, he has to come to the decision himself.

    My wife didn’t want the hospice involved, but once in there, my god they were fantastic, you could try to get a nurse to pop in to explain that to him, they’re brilliant at symptom control and pain management.

    Plus they can change his meds, would he benefit from a pain patch rather than having to take pills as did my wife?

    Please do not feel you’re alone with this, as you’re not, sometimes it takes a while for the patient to accept the help, try to explain calmly to him that you’re only looking after his needs and that you’re suffering as much as him watching him suffer.

    Please feel free to message me x


  • Yes that’s sounds familiar x so much for being portrayed as the person too x chin up x

  • Oh LottieKnitAlot - I came on here today because I’m struggling and I read your post and thought that’s exactly what I want to write. I can’t help with advice but I want you to know you’re not the only one to feel like that and that your post has helped me realise I’m not the only one either.