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  • 44 subscribers


I have just joined, my husband was diagnosed with colorectal cancer with 4 liver tumours at diagnosis in 2015 with 35% chance is survival….had surgery and chemo then was clear for 1 year 2018

Then 2 more tumours were found in his liver so they removed  a third of his liver.

now 6 years later 2024 cancer has returned in the retroperitoneal lymph nodes and one in his lung. They can’t do biopsies or surgery as the lymph nodes are near the main artery. He has started chemotherapy again every other week as 48 hr infusion.

has anyone had similar? 

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community though we are always a little sorry to see people join everyone is welcome.

    Sorry I have nothing really to compare with your post, my wife's cancer was incurable from the start though her disease has been stable for about 10 years now so we are living with rather than anything else.

    I don't know if you might get a more direct answer if you posted in our Bowel (colon and rectal) cancer forum since there are likely to be people with more specific experience there including both patients and carers.

    We were lucky in that my wife's chemo was quite quick I think the longest she had was only about 2 hours so I do not envy you both at 48hrs.



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