I'm losing him bit by bit

  • 9 replies
  • 47 subscribers

My husband has lung cancer with tumors in both lungs, his spine and pelvis and also in lymph nodes and adrenal glands. It's stage 4, not operable no treatment 4-6 months (that was a month ago). He is getting so confused and is hallucinating, he wants to open spam emails, transfer money from club accounts (that he still has access to). And the next min he's asleep or he's forgotten how to take and swallow tablets. I just don't know how to handle what is happening to him, I want to help make his last months pain free and good for both of us but I can see that's not going to happen. He thinks I wont to control him if I ask him to drink up his protein shakes ,cos he's been nursing it for 30+ min, or remind him of something we were talking about earlier. It's so frustrating, and I'm so emotionally drained. 

  • Hi Joan. Has he been referred to a hospice team? They can offer so much support for both of you.


  • It is horrendous isn’t it. My husband has kidney cancer, which has spread to his liver. He had an infection with a fever for two weeks, and we were at A & E twice last week. He was delirious and barely sleeping and peeing blood. The sleeping situation is very similar. You can be mid conversation and then he is asleep. He now says he has no appetite and does not want the protein shakes any more. I have just got his morphine increased to manage his lower back pain. I have had a good cry today, as otherwise I think I might go nuts. You are not alone. Kind regards.

  • Im so teribly sorry about the pain you are going through.  You are not alone in this awful journey. My husband has been disgnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer. Its incredibly hard. My husband is really tearful all the time he has lost so much weight. He to is having protein drinks which I try to encourage him to have but he gets frustrated with me when Im trying to help. Im sending you a virtual hug because I know how hard this really is.

  • The palliative care nurse is coming this morning so I intend to tell her everything x thank you 

  • It's just awful, isn't and the worst part is he occasionally comes back to me for a min or two which is just heart breaking. The palliative care nurse is coming this morning so I'll tell her what's been going on xx many thanks for your reply and I hope you both find some peace

  • Tell her exactly how you feel and take what she offers. The support means that you will be able to be his wife again and not only his carer. It is such a tough time and you need to feel that you are not alone.


  • Thank you so much xx

  • Thank you so much for your reply,  it helps to hear from other who understand. My friends don't know how to react to my tears not that I've seen many face to face they tell me their only a phone call away but I just on caring duty all the time to busy to phone. Even this note has been done in 2 sittings. xx I hope we all fine  peace 

  • Hi Joan,

    Please contact the hospice, they’re fabulous at pain and symptom control, plus they’re really really supportive of carers too.

    They may put him on pain patches which really do work as my wife was on them.

    Feel free to contact me.

    much love and respect,
