LPA - Deciding on whether to agree to treatment

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My soon to be 87 year old mother had a seizure a couple of weeks ago and now we have been advised that is due to a primary lymphoma on the right side of her brain. For the first week she was unable to speak properly and only since having steroids has the twitching stop and she can now speak.  Her first question was why her husband had not been to see her, at which point we had to tell her he had died nearly 3 years ago.  Which was upsetting for her. Her health in general includes heart murmur and prone to hematomas.  The doctor on the ward has referred all her CT scans (first one on the head and later head/chest/stomach) to London along with an MRI.   We were unsure but did consent to a lumbar puncture which she seems to have taken in her stride.  Now they are waiting on the results to advise on treatment but I feel if this is Chemo she will not cope with this and should we put her through this?  But what happens if she does not receive treatment, will this be just as bad?

Since she lost her husband I have been there for her arranging meals on wheels, cleaner, shopping, finances and sorting out her medication.  I genuine do not not how to help or make a decision.  Prior to the seizure she was a fit (for her age) vibrant, feisty and independent lady living by herself in her home that she has been in for 64+ years.

The person she is now is scared and confused.  And she forgets things, so that we have to tell her again.

My one godsend is her extend family is always willing to help and rally around.

Sorry a bit of a ramble and my first time posting.

  • You have come to the right place for support. I have no advice as I have just recently lost my husband of 40 years to bowel cancer, but I am sure someone will reply with a relevant comment. In the meantime I send you my very best wishes.