How to raise a complaint?

  • 4 replies
  • 42 subscribers


I am thinking whether I should proceed with raising a complaint to hospital and looking for opinions and advise.

Latest incident that caused my husband his health, weight, stress and one week out of his remaining life.

Issue: Prior to chemotherapy session nurse gave my husband anti sickness pills, he took them and asked why they are not giving him prescribed antisickness medication through his pic line. He specifically said it is written in the system. Nurse checked after that the system and realised her mistake. She said she then consulted with the doctor and decided that on top of pills to give intravenous antisickness would be too much so advised to proceed with chemotherapy just with pills. 

Usually my husband is back on his feet by tuesday. 

This time, today is one week since the chemotherapy started and he is unable to eat still, walk, stand for longer than 5min. He had a severe sickness and loss of weight. He slept till thursday with only being awoke for one hr at a time. Weekend - he did not wake up, only to drink and be sick.

This is not all...but issues are piling up, with him constantly not being on the system. Turning for chemo and they forgot to prepare it. Burning his hand with chemo due to attaching pump wrong.

I am always nice and understand mistakes happen. I do not look to blame anyone. But genuinely we are struggling as it is already, I can barely cope with such additional mess.

Maybe just a rant here is enough?? But I do not want anyone going through same - Same Pill Fits ALL patients attitude!!! Because it Does not! Everyone is unique and this should be always considered. 

  • Just to mention, he only told this to me yesterday. I was totally unaware of this mistake, otherwise I would have rang them immediately and asked for anti sickness drip at home or whatever to ease his sickness.

  • Hi AmeiseSad welcome to the forum. Im not sure whether you should raise  a complaint or not but I do think you raise this as a concern with the immediate staff and have this recorded on your husbands notes that you have raised concerns. I think you should document what you have said here so that you have this to hand and if there are repeat episodes after raising the concerns then I think you maybe give some consideration to escalate this further.  Will your husband be ok with you raising this with the staff? 


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  • Hi   thank you for reading through my long rant and providing advise. We have agreed with husband that he will mention this nicely and will ask for it to be more clear in his records as well as ask for further support with his sickness to ensure it does not happen again.

    If it will, then he will need to make sure he does not take the pills given and check what is being given for him first and requesting for the right medication.

  • Hi  

    Sorry to read this and the impact it has had on you. It does perhaps show the value of being together during chemotherapy as I know my wife was a bit all over the place at times.

    When my wife had a colonoscopy was the only time I was ever asked to leave - then the doctors had issues getting my wife to answer questions because she was so ill.

    It may be helpful to talk to the PALS department at the hospital though perhaps rather than making it a complaint perhaps more of a suggestion as to what might be helpful for everyone going forward. Often the people on the front line are as concerned if not more so when things like this happen but sometimes feel powerless to challenge things.



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