Pancreatic cancer liver metastasis

  • 3 replies
  • 42 subscribers

I’m so frightened husband diagnosed 20 may bypass surgery home with an nj tube to get stronger for palliative chemo

he is now staying in bed and not waking up much gp said it may be the cancer and has given all his meds in liquid form

is he likely to recover from this or is this the end he is so weak I’m so scared 

  • Hi  

    I feel for you though sorry I have no real answer. People often see someone sleeping as a sign of something though it can just be all the energy is being used to push back against an illness so it is really hard to know.

    I hope perhaps the sense that someone is standing beside you is helpful because there is little else I can offer.



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  • Thank you for your reply it does mean a lot 

  • As Steve said below I too feel your pain, it is really hard to see your partner so poorly. I don't have anything else I can offer but thinking of you.