Is the end going to be soon?

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  • 42 subscribers

My mum has had Stage 4 Breast Cancer since Nov 2021.  Things started to go down end of April.  Kidney was enlarged and a nephrectomy was inserted.  Since then we've had ongoing issues with high calcium.  It just wouldn't come down.  This week Kidney function is low, she needed blood transfusion, anaemic etc.  The doctor said last week all these things indicate the cancer getting worse.  My mum won't engage in that conversation.  Today I managed to speak to doctor and I asked her and she said given what's happening with blood results they feel mum's time is 'shorter', we were told weeks and months back in April.  The blood transfusion has boosted a bit but they said she will need more over next couple of weeks.  She is weaker, we can see her declining, she's sleeping a lot during the day.  She's fallen twice but refuses to use a stick and insists she is fine.  

I know what the doctor told me.  But you play It over and over in your head until I almost doubt myself.  I know no-one can give any definite time but I keep thinking is this real?  Even though we've known from the start.  Doctor said blood transfusion etc will possibly boost things temporarily but things can then decline again quite quickly.  Mum just seems to be of opinion she's invincible and this isn't happening.  

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about everything you are going through. I know when my wife was first diagnosed I felt like I needed to know how long but years later came to realize what could I do if I actually knew. Then I lost a number of friends, some after long illnesses and others out of the blue. 



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  • Hi there, it is so tough. My husband has kidney cancer, which has moved to his liver. He was diagnosed in March. I know what you mean about, “Is this real?”. I think our brains can only take so much, and it tries to protect us. The range of emotions we are feeling for just one day are huge. Grief, fear, humour, sadness, exhaustion. All of it is just under the surface. I don’t know how you have managed to get through the last three years. Kind regards.