Frustrated and Exhausted

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  • 41 subscribers

My Dad received his diagnosis nearly two months ago now and we are still waiting for a successful biopsy (he had one and they couldn’t get what they needed) and they organised a second appointment for a month later! This seems too late. Recently he’s been in respite care as we ready the house for his return and I always seem to be reactive and trying to firefight the next issue. Trying to get help from local palliative care, GPs and other agencies has also been frustrating. Am I alone in this frustration or is this normal?

  • HI rowandoesdnd and a warm  welcome to the forum though sorry you have to be here, and your dad has cancer, ,your GP should make a referral for you, ask them for one for your hospice, their palliative care team and a district nurse,, If your not happy with with your  GP tell them it's causing you anxiety and stress, your dad's cancer nurse specialist  should be able to help as well. Best wishes to you both.
