How to support in the early stages

  • 2 replies
  • 44 subscribers


This is all very new and I don’t know what I should be doing for the best, please help!

My wife has been diagnosed with Acute Leukaemia, but I don’t know which one. They are doing a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow to find out more.

We have two sons, aged 8 and 3 and I am a teacher.

What am I meant to do? Should I get signed off work for the last 3 weeks before summer or do I go back on a reduce hours arrangement? I will get support with this.  My main concerns are picking up an infection and passing it on.

My focus at the moment is my boys to give them some stability and normal routine, but once they are in school I can get down to the hospital. Should I be spending all my time with my wife so I’m there when the doctors visit, or just travel in when needed?

so many questions…

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community though sorry to read about your wife, our son was about the same age as your youngest when she first got ill. I struggled for quite some time before I finally sought help for me and my GP did sign me off for a while.

    I know I found work somewhat comforting as it felt like one part of my life where I has some control and it was predictable, how effective I was perhaps a different question.

    Hopefully things will be clearer when you get the results of the bone marrow biopsy and I know I feel more comfortable hearing it with my wife, it can help to have a notepad too and note anything that seems unclear as people on here or the nurses can often help translate.

    We were really lucky to have a good friend who would do things like pick up our son from school if I was late at the hospital.

    On here we have a guide that might help with your children - talking to children and I found the book "The Secret C" also quite useful.

    Do post whenever, people are always istening.



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  • She's going to need you more later so try (impossible I know) and balance it. I tend to try and be there all the time and I burn out... burnt out right now as it happens and thats in no ones best interests.

    Some routine as much as possible helps but ultimately they will also need "breathers" from the normal and may want to be with Mum and therefore I suggest encourage but listen to what they want also. Sometime at home, but time at school and normal helps them also balance... they dont realise it but they need to "get out"...each case varies but talk to your wife also... you cant do much when you are there other than support... PLEASE LOOK OUT FOR YOU.... there is a long road ahead and you need to pace yourself!!!!