How to deal with someone who want to stop treatment?

  • 4 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi all,

My dad has been diagnosed with bladder cancer in November and lung cancer (hasn't been confirmed if it is metastatic or not). He leaves in Greece. He was in a lot of pain and cancer was quite advanced in the bladder. He did chemos and he responded very well. From January he is under immune therapy. The response wasn't as expected either the immune therapy and they asked to repeat the biopsy. 

Today out of the blue he told us to cancel everything and he denies to continue any treatment. It isn't a massive suprise, he never liked doctors and that's why he end up in this situation. He was in pain and denied to get checked in the first instance until the pain was unbearable. I know it is his choice and I am up to support this but I think he is not deciding with clear minds.

We suspect depression and some other family issues make the situation worse. He is stubborn like a donkey and very old minded although he is just 70. I am on loss of what to do. 

One part of me tells me that we can't just let him and we have to force him. The other part is so tired that thinks that if he decides to die to let him die. That he is disrespectful that he doesn't think of us and that he wants to put us through all of this pain. And at the same time I feel guilty with all the thoughts.

I know that it isn't easy for him, although he has been extremely lucky with the response to treatments so far without major side effects. 

I am in loss of what should I do. The Greek system is good with physical treatments but doesn't provide and psychological support. 

I am worried for my mum too.

Not sure how to deal with all of it.

I know at the end of the day is his decision but what if it is a decision without clear state of mind?

  • In my view whether its the cancer / drugs talking or not, it's one of those things that he is feeling at this time and should be respected. My wife has said she doesnt want to see her family. She is estranged from them and there is a part of me that feels that the impairment of her emotions is affecting it, but I have decided to respect her wishes. They were things she said before and since she is saying them now what I do not want is to have a situation where I do something against her wishes which make her final days difficult for me wondering if I made the wrong decision. Her decision is all I have to go by and you cannot be expected to make a psychological diagnosis for them. i might not agree with it but to deny someone their wishes now and risk it for me wasnt worth it.

    I THINK they get tired. Tired of the fight, tired of the attention and tired of watching everyone they care about being put under stress, and ultimately impaired or not, it's where they are at. 

    I do acknowledge however that very often they dont know whats good for them, but pain does that. We are not going through it, they are, and we can never know just how much or how intense it is, only they do.

    I'm sorry for your situation. Be there and leave his dignity intact and that being his ability to feel empowered until his last days. (as I am writing this I am thinking "easy for me to say")......

  • Sorry one thing that people also told me... where you are worrying about them... remember they are worrying about you too... this is tough... hang in there....

  • All treatments have side effects. My wife has suffered a lot of unpleasant complications from her treatments.  If your dad chooses not to continue treatment it may not neccesarily be a bad thing for him. No one can know exactly what will happen, so personal choice is very important. 

  • It must be hard, but for him its thousand times harder. I am going through similar... my husband can barely walk or stand today after his 8th chemo session. He already said before he will stop, but I think he is coming to terms that he will stop for sure. Whatever his decision I will respect it, because seeing him 24/7 suffering like that is unbearable. I do not call it treatment, I call it poison. This is how I see it, even if it is helping, it is also taking away everything...all the joy that should be there living life. 

    I wish for better cure options ;(