Small Cell Lung Cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 42 subscribers

hello, I have an enquiry about treatment for Small Cell Lung Cancer. My mum got diagnosed with early stages of SCLC and got course of radio and chemo therapies. She just finished her first 3 weeks of radiotherapy to the lung ara and is about to continue with chemo. For the end of the treatment she has to go through 10 sessions of Prophylactic Cranial Radiotherapy. The doctors haven't really explained the risks of having her cognitive functions affected and I'm reading that there is no proof that the Prophylactic Cranial Radiotherapy does actually work. Has anyone have any experience of that treatment? She is 70 years old and her memory is already affected. I'm really worried. Thank you for your help. 

  • hi  

    Sorry to head about your mum, we do not have any experience in this treatment but Macmillan do have a page on this treatment here that might help some of your questions. Of course your mum totally has a choice of going for the treatment or not as the doctors need to obtain informed consent.

    Being worried about a loved one going through treatment is really very normal as are a whole range of emotions and with any treatment we always have to judge the benefits and the impacts. Just getting the best information we can is so important but once the decision is made then nobody will ever know what a different decision would have done.



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