Work not treating fairly

  • 4 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi all, my ex husband has stage 4 prostate cancer, diagnosed nov 21. Last week he was hospitalised with a chest infection whilst holidaying in Devon, then again when we returned home, this time being diagnosed with flu. I requested emergency carers leave stating that I could work froM home for the rest of the week, long and short of it I could work at home on Wednesday but  had to take unpaid leave for the other 3 days!!! Anyone have experience on fighting the workplace?? Ironically I work for the NHS

  • Hi Misses O welcome to the forum. Unless things have changed in the NHS since I last worked in it  what has happened for you is wrong and you need to challenge this with your Manager and HR Department. It may also be worth you giving the Macmillan Line a call in the event you need more time off to check what rights you have in the workplace. They have Work Advisors for you to speak with and are contactable  on the Macmillan Line on 08088080000.


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  • Hello Misses O. This is a shame to read. And for so many here I see challenges. 

  • Is there a policy for compassionate leave? Have you checked your original contracted hours given? Has that ever been changed though a signature? 

  • I hope any of this may help you better in your situation.  I really do. If you have explored these things already. I hope you find a way around your difficulties. Thank you for sharing with people.. its always the best start I think