Waiting and stressing

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  • 42 subscribers

Good afternoon all,

You would think I would be used to waiting for resultsby now but wow the anxiety has definitely kicked in.

My husband is on watch and wait at the minute as they couldn't 100% say he was cancer free just before christmas. 

He has to have an MRI and colonoscopy every 3 months to see how things are going as they said it could just be scarring from radiotherapy that was left.

3 months is up, he has had his MRI and has the colonoscopy 25 March, it has been a good 3 months without the stress but I feel like we are back at square 1.

We have a 14 year old son too and since Chistmas he has been losing weight, me being me I am stressing about him too. Although he says he is ok I am worried he has something going on.

I just want a 'normal' life andhave no drama at all.

Sorry for the essay I just don't know how to cope at the minute.

Fingers crossed for good news and hope you are all doing well 


  • Hi  

    i think just about everyone on here will recognize the struggle of waiiting for a scan and waiting for resulkts - we often refer to this as scanxiety.

    Then of course as you note things on the scan do not look totally normal due to the treatment - not the most helpful in the world.

    Our new normal is that my wife's cancer has been stable for over 10 years now. Living with cancer works for us for now.



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